I like work; it fascinates me. I can sit and look at it for hours.

Jerome K. Jerome
Klang were a bit strange. I have their ep. I was a tad disapointed to say the least.
Annie is in a band apparantly. Although ive yet to hear anything.
hello there.

Read some of your blog.

Especially liked your last entry.

It looks like you`ve been here for a while but have no friends?

You declining requests?

Anyway I liked the

`if you`ve got nothing to hide...`

Also like your comment on `If it doesn`t kill you...` although I would disagree a bit, hardship does make you tougher if you get through it.

And Anarchy, I do know what it means but to be fair the meaning has changed in most peoples` minds to `terrorist`.

Anyway, keep well.

You ever applied for SgUk? your last post would fit right in there.

Also member yushi shares you interest in Politics.

Phrases I despise (excuse me while I go off on one)...

"I'm just doing my job"

This is the personal motto for every person who knows what they're doing is wrong or stupid, but thinks abdicating themselves of their own free will is an acceptable excuse.

"[insert product name here] is revolutionary"

Overthrowing a government is revolutionary, a bottle of shampoo is a bottle of...
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I know! It's damn inconciderate of them just splitting up like that. *sigh*
Now Justine just looks at buildings and wears ponchos.x
ty for the birthday wishes.
Re my last update: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/arianna-huffington/george-bush-david-caruso_b_6950.html

And of lesser galactic significance:

Last film I watched: Lost in Translation
Last album I bought: Death in Vegas / Scorpio Rising
This mornings breakfast: Pringles and Diet Cola puke
serial mum is kewl . thinking of smoe that u might like - smoe = some . me is having problems spelling at the moment blush

[Edited on Sep 08, 2005 7:37PM]
In the aftermath of just about any disaster, one of the first things you'll hear is something along the lines of "now is not the time to get political".

When, exactly, is the time to get political? Is there a designated day? Who decides?

What harm does it do the victims, for the observers of the disaster to get political? Does it slow down the...
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the SSP LOL. u know i don't think i've seen fargo. i probably have since i watch a lot of movies.
well he's into a lot of political stuff and is a member or the ITO, i don't know if that's why he was chosen to go over there or if it was for other reasons. he is from a very political irish family . 3 of his cousins died along with bobby sands in the 1981 hunger strikes

[Edited on Sep 04, 2005 6:40PM]
Why pay an arm and a leg for a smeg?
Fucked if I know, but they are nice lookin fridges. surreal
You're in SG Scotland now, get over there and make some noise.
What the fuck is wrong with Americans? Well I guess you deserve another 4 years of Bush if that's who you really wanted. But the world sure as hell doesn't, so maybe you'll be so kind as to keep the hell away from us in the meantime. mad

And yeah, I'm an anarchist, I wasn't in any kind of delusion that Kerry would turn America into...
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Right on man!
Yep the whole world is watching, and I am living directly in the center of the first right wing religious oligarchy that has ever possessed a depleted uranium robo army with mini nukes, and an air force like nothing ever seen before.

I live in goliath.

There are some of us here who are resisting. We are fighting with the world. We are American's by birth, and citizens with the world by choice. We are un-american (and what it repressents, especially now), and we will see you in the streets.

In solidarity, and keep up the struggle.
Well, I kinda forgot about the site for a few months. Then my credit card statement came through, and I'm thinking, who the hell is SG Services!?

I wont ever forget you again SG Services.

Anyway, I need to fix the webcam again, and what happened to the ProgRock group dammit?
The guy who owned the prog rock group let his account lapse for ages.

The powers that be must've decided he was gone for good and closed the group.

I suppose if one of us had got off our arse and taken over ownership, it would still be here. But no-one spoke up. frown
The webcam is up all the time at http://al.cx/webcam/ now (without the ad!), but I've not got the image uploading here yet.

Admittedly it's not the most facinating of webcams, but you do get to see me fall asleep at the desk sometimes whatever

Occasionaly I'll just forget the webcam is on and do something embarrasing. It's wierd, when I first set it up, it was...
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Goddamn, Sigur Ros / Popplagi rules. The more I listen to it I love it.

Well, it's a Saturday, I've finished my night shift, had a doze, and now I need to get on with some more work dammit.

Hey you might be interested in the
FreeNix group.
Come check it out.
And Lo, Ae did say, "let the world see up to the minute images of my face". And the world saw up to the minute images of his face with a dumb KabCam ad at the top. And Ae was pleased, but uh, the world wasn't so enthusiastic.

But when did Ae ever give a damn what they thought anyway.
Old is a state of mind.
The state my mind is in I'm actualy ancient.
yes web cams rule
Ugh it's too hot! I've drunk so much Irn Bru my tounge has grown fur. My fan is just blowing warm air in my face, and the plant needs twice daily waterings.

Despite that I feel great. This is the best weather we've had for oh, 8 months now?

Hmm, I think I've got this webcam sussed. Why is it so few people here have got one set up?
Hmm lies, the software is trying to rename the webcam image on the server which isn't working. Back to the drawing board.
Went to the W.A.S.P. concert at the Glasgow Garage on Tuesday. They were supported by DragonForce which was the real reason I went.

DragonForce kicked arse. Even got the lead singer's autograph thanks to my observant friend. They're seem to be a bunch of pretty decent guys and took the time to mingle with their fans, unlike the other shower.

I did enjoy both bands...
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