Today i sport sponge bob squarepants panties confused
just thought you should be welcomed
another winni-pagan! i thought i was the only one.VANI77AGORI77A told me that you were also from winnipeg. you could be so close by, its creepy. i live on corydon, what area of the city are you from?

[Edited on Aug 04, 2004 10:48AM]

[Edited on Aug 04, 2004 10:49AM]
sunny day + beers + cool garage + power tools + one nice car = laughs & good times
ahhh... good times...good times....
you rule....

i waited, but you never came back... frown
There is nothing in devotion that i cannot obtain
but nothing is the only thing that i ever seem to gain
i repeat the same mistake and i never seem learn
as i'm sweeping up the ashes of anothers broken urn

I cry ...
just wanting to be adored
and I cry...
everytime that i'm ignored

your priceless in my memories, an angel in my...
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evil's fun
until it's done
my other half has left me alone
she's chosen to rest on broken throne
unable to see what she's become
robotic in mind with a heart so numb
dishing out that which fed her own tears
overwhelmed she cries but nobody hears

it sounds like many people that you loved really hurt you. i can certainly relate...

the person you lost your virginity to sounds like a class "A" asshole. i really hope you stopped talking to him after the ordeal. my first "real" boyfriend took advantage of me too. it took me three years to realize i didn't need him. ugh! i really like your poetry; it is very touching. smile
Danger! This pretty little hate machine is on a rampage Grrr!!! I'm gonna make some little girl scream tonight!! mad Who wants to cum for me!!! Mmmmm doesn't eViL taste waaay too sweet

DSA ROCKS my fukin' body!!

once you've let yourself accept your defeat
when you've felt catastrophe your sure
to repeat
don't let tears of failure rip at your
brittle skin
search for the trails that led from your
dizzy spin

when you see that nothing is forever
and always ever changing
remember yourself and what you repair
that's always breaking
that your not just failing today but
starting new tomorrow...
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I really like this. biggrin you seem to have a gift for poetry writing. i can sincerely appreciate that. miao!!
Daily Confessionals to ones self:

I walked by myself in a cool evening looking down my gravel road
Eyes blackened with make-uped tears and lipstick smears
I think alot of things on nights as cool and quiet as these
I step away from myself hoping to see what one might see there thinking... " I don't see it and I wish I could"

I would...
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I don't know if this means anything, but as I had a really bad experience last night, reading this posts actually helped me a lot.

So thank you.
That's one hell of a journal entry, cheer up cuz ... the sun 'll come out tomorrow, tomorrow, bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow they'll be sun biggrin
so i went on sg chat for the first time last night ... met some interesting creatures who apparently roam around as late as i do online...wasn't sure how i'd be received but in all i had fun and finally i've got some friends!! Ha ha.
I'm off to go shopping for exotic fruits with a man who would give me the world if I...
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Ha, one of those people would be me and lookee there, I'm your instant friend. And I'm soooo proud. I may shed a tear. We should roam more often!
something meaty...like papaya.
my ability to let go of people I care so much for creates so much bullshit in my life. Now I sit here alone wondering is it worth the effort to fight for their friendship?
Can all your friends be forever there to love you?
Why does it make me so sad to know it's time to release them even if they don't want to...
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i'm sorry for passing out...didn't mean to leave you hanging...

it was great meeting you. smile
It was cool hangin last night/this morning; kinda ruined any chance of being productive today though...javascript:insertSmilie('puke');

It was worth it.
my ability to let go of people I care so much for creates has created so much bullshit in my life. Now I sit here alone wondering is it worth the effort to fight for their friendship?
Can all your friends be forever there to love you?
Why does it make me so sad to know it's time to release them even if they don't...
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tRiCkeD anD tRaPPeD, StRiPPeD anD StRaPPeD
hmmm...a whole week ahead of paid holidays...Can you say TEXAS MICKEY!! I hope I don't wake up under someone's car tomorrow morning. I'm sure it would probably be a good story. biggrin Idle hands meet the devils mind. If i make it back alive maybe I'll tell my tale...ermm...that's if i remember it.

aDia skull