Fill in the blank: I hate ____ .
I hate people.
I hate hair that looks brown in pix (sometimes) but is dyed black.
Nah, I was wrong. I love everyone, even you.
See ya on the flip side.
Bargain Alert!!! 25 cents per bag of candy @ local Albertson's Grocery Store.
Yay for UnEnding Easter Clearance Sales.
I hate people.
I hate hair that looks brown in pix (sometimes) but is dyed black.
Nah, I was wrong. I love everyone, even you.

See ya on the flip side.

Bargain Alert!!! 25 cents per bag of candy @ local Albertson's Grocery Store.

Burritos for sure! My favorite restaurant in the world is called Burrito Factory.
for you: whats your favorite candy?