Potato family. With holiday hats. In case you were wondering what this is, it's the classic potato project/experiment. Stab potatoes with toothpicks, submerge it partway into some water and wait for something to grow. I don't remember doing this in my childhood. Do you? [I did the bean project though. The one where you put some beans on a wet paper towel and stick it in a plastic bag and you wait for it to sprout. Ring a bell for anyone?]
When I mentioned this project [when it was still in the planning stages], the boys immediately asked if the potatoes would wear hats. Ummm, yes?! So, of course I had to "magically" create hats for these spuds. lol. And then, they asked if we would have one potato to represent each of us. Uhhhh, I was planning for that all along. Yes, of course, kids!! So, here it is-- a not-so-traditional tater fam of 5.
I read that sweet potatoes actually work better for this project, but there were a bunch of potatoes that already had gnarly things growing on them, so I stuck it out with these regular Idaho ones. I am not a potato connoisseur so I don't know which type we are using. [Anyone know?] All I know is that they are brown, and from Idaho [at least it said so on the bag]. :)