The Ghost -- Sees all, but stays [mostly] silent. Sporadic, concise updates. #eyeinthesky
The Artist -- An enigmatic creator, transforming the mundane to magnificent #makernottaker
The Nudist -- Out with the old, in with the nude. Most popular blogger in town. #narcissusthemyth
The Chameleon -- Trendsetter with new hair color, style, and/or body modification every week. #coolcat
The Parrot -- Mimics what others have said or written, and passes it off as an original thought. #shameshame
The Wolf -- Shares all of life's devastations in excruciatingly bone-crushing, brain-frazzling detail. #suicidehotlineonspeeddial **
The Kaleidoscope -- Intentionally obtuse, subtly nuanced, intricately layered. Turning this way or that, there's something you never noticed before. #likelyonacid
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No one fits neatly or precisely into any category. (SG is an interesting microcosm of the world. Nudity brings us all together?) Most of us touch on several of these categories at one time or another, I think. You have no idea how harrowing it was to narrow down the "blogger types" to just seven, while also keeping the descriptions short. [Once I get writing, I have a tendency to become unable to stop.]
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What have you been up to?