Our pagan-inspired tree. We weren't sure if we wanted a tree at all this year actually. Other years we just went through the motions, and celebrated Christmas because of inertia, it was what we had always done, and we felt it was expected of us. But this year, we wanted to be truer to ourselves and less disingenuous to others. In the end, we decided to just go ahead and celebrate Christmas for the kids. We caved in. But as a small concession, we decided to decorate the tree in a way that would make us laugh. I bought all the skulls and mini-skeletons during the post-Halloween clearance, so all of it was less than $35. Yay!
Still not sure how I feel about giving in to the pressures of the holiday-celebrating though. But I guess we'll just celebrate Christmas as (1) a good reason to spend time with loved ones, and (2) a nice way to justify spending exorbitant amounts of money on things we don't need. Hahaha. Ok, cross out that 2nd thing. I am going to do my best to make gifts this year; gifts from the heart. I hope that won't horrify the recipients. :(
See the little tree? That is the kiddie tree. I put their salt dough ornaments they made the other day on it. The kids complained that their tree was too small, and I told them "When I was a kid, I had to share a tree with the whole family!" Needless to say, they weren't impressed.
And finally, a creepy pic of me in front of the tree.