I hate my lack of passion. It's so much that I care about but I just refuse to say anything,
It's like I can hear a voice inside that wants to say something but I keep it quiet out of fear of leting people know who I truly am. I think I have to start saying somthing before my voice becomes to weak to hear.
Maybe you just need to be places where it feels natural to let it out? robot kiss
you're right about those summer breezes. I'm literally letting them flow through my apartment as I type this. smile robot kiss
Looking at alot of profiles today I realized that most people truly do try to be in some type of in crowd. People try to seek out those that are simular I don't understand why.
people?? don't you mean sheeple? wink
I've found that the only thing that I have to look forward to is that one day I am going to die. I don't know if I'll ever be with someone that I love. I don't know if I'll ever become a director that makes stories of substance. I don't know if I'll ever become a man in my definition of the word.

But life...
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Not that long ago I was going to strip clubs almost every dayand then for reasons I won't say I stopped going. The other day I was coming back from a shoot and the crew went to a strip club. One that I use to go to all the fuckin time. Now ,it's been about six months since I stepped foot in a strip club....
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Fuck everyone thats not me.
I know exactly what you mean! Generally I don't like people either. At least not in groups. In my heart I'm a real philantropist, I almost always like people whan I get to know them, but when their swarming everywhere around me (like in a city..) i hate them!

sweet that I'm in your favourites btw... blush
I still think about Balin. I look at maps and consider going back to Mexico. It's not the trip that hinders me it's the fact that I know that she does'nt love me the way I love her. If I knew she did I'd be on a bus geting through larado right now.

I have a plastic set of lochadoras that she got me. They...
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I can't stand being alone anymore.
I just find it interesting to understand the attitude of a society towards something analyzing the language.

the fact that there is not a word to describe something makes me wonder about the real nature of that " something".

I can't stand being with people anymore.
I work as a photographer, Director of Photography and bartender, in rough days.

I totally get what you say.
I love my life. I love the days when I come home after a job. When I wash my hands and see the dirt go down the sink. I can rub my hands across wood instand of sand paper some days and I'm proud of that.
But I know I love my job because I hate so many aspects of it. I hate two days...
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I just hate the fact that I was weak, I am weak, at some pont all this weakness is going to fuck me over.
good point-

The other day I was working the door and this really pretty mexican women and her avg. joe bizness like boyfriend come in.
I say " It's so in so playin it's a five dollar cover"
She sticks her tit's in my face and says "how about 2 for three"

I say " I say how about two for ten"

She spent about five...
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tits for 20% off. It would be nice if it worked, but a cover is a cover! your really didn't even see the bare in the flesh breastitties anyway, right? Do you think you would've let her slide if you saw the whole shabang?

[Edited on Jul 20, 2004 9:49AM]