I'm selling off a bunch of records. I feel the need to cleanse out a lot of this stuff. Most of these records I haven't listened to in years. Last time I attempted to sell records was to a store, and it was ALL of them. This time Im going to Ebay them and its only punk stuff. Its time I move on from a lot of this stuff. I just finished watching revenge of the nerds and One crazy summer back to back and now Behind the green door. Always good to end the night with vintage porn. It was unbearably hot this weekend and since my friend took back her mattress I've been sleeping on the floor. Sucks. A lot. I'm going to Texas for five days starting thursday morning. I'm pretty stoked on that. I found a brand new floaty ring today on the streets. Probably left behind from some bay to breakers tool bag.I'm taking it with me on vacation for when I'm in the hotel pool though I really want this one:
I want it without the kids but with the hot mom.
Self destruct or bust. Here I come Austin. Here I come oblivion. Here I come Route 66.

Self destruct or bust. Here I come Austin. Here I come oblivion. Here I come Route 66.

Good luck with your record sales.
I hope your trip home is going okay.