Crazy Snow Day Adventure!
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
I went to sleep unusually early last night, which means I woke up unusually early this morning. I grab my laptop, log on to SG, and the first thing I see is a comment from Venice..."how's this snow for you?" I furrow my brow and then look outside my window. It's fucking snowing!
I jumped out of bed, grabbed my camera and took some pics outside my window.

Then I put on some clothes, and ran outside to play. I knew I wouldn't have much time before people started to ruin the awesomeness of pure undriven snow with their cars and shovels and salt, so I wanted to take advantage while I still could.
Here's just outside my apartment building

Here's some dudes trying to clear the MAX tracks on my way downtown

Here's Pioneer Square. The pics look a little weird because I had my camera set at a high ISO from night shooting a couple days ago, and I didn't realize it until later.

I walked over to some people making a snowman, and then had a snowball fight with them for a bit. The snow was really soft and fluffy so it was hard to keep it together, but I got the hang of it.

I decided to go to the riverfront to see what that looked like, but it was mostly overcast and you couldn't get a good view of much.

So I walked around for a bit more, and took some more pictures.

Here's the MAX coming in.

I ended up taking it and going to Washington Square Park.

There were people skiing and snowboarding everywhere, even on the streets in town. I saw some dudes on an old sled, and I had to ask if I could take it for a ride.

You'll notice the fair amount of trees in the area, and the limited mobility of a sled going pretty fast downhill. Not terribly safe, but sooo much fun.

I took the MAX back downtown, and got off at the Kings Hill/Salmon stop a few blocks from my apartment.

PGE Park is right across the street, and oddly enough it was open with nobody manning the security booth. So I walked in and took some pics.

Then I went to walk back home, and I noticed Lincoln High School's football field was also open, so I took some more pics of the field overlooking the West Hills.

On the way back I ran into this little dude...

...and possibly the cutest snowman I saw all morning.

I got back home and had me some breakfast sammiches and a nice mug of authentic Cuban caf con leche. (If you're in Portland and you want some, you need to come by my place because you can't get it anywhere else. I had to smuggle a jar of Caf Bustelo from my last trip back home.)
By noon this had already become one of the best days ever.
I jumped out of bed, grabbed my camera and took some pics outside my window.

Then I put on some clothes, and ran outside to play. I knew I wouldn't have much time before people started to ruin the awesomeness of pure undriven snow with their cars and shovels and salt, so I wanted to take advantage while I still could.
Here's just outside my apartment building

Here's some dudes trying to clear the MAX tracks on my way downtown

Here's Pioneer Square. The pics look a little weird because I had my camera set at a high ISO from night shooting a couple days ago, and I didn't realize it until later.

I walked over to some people making a snowman, and then had a snowball fight with them for a bit. The snow was really soft and fluffy so it was hard to keep it together, but I got the hang of it.

I decided to go to the riverfront to see what that looked like, but it was mostly overcast and you couldn't get a good view of much.

So I walked around for a bit more, and took some more pictures.

Here's the MAX coming in.

I ended up taking it and going to Washington Square Park.

There were people skiing and snowboarding everywhere, even on the streets in town. I saw some dudes on an old sled, and I had to ask if I could take it for a ride.

You'll notice the fair amount of trees in the area, and the limited mobility of a sled going pretty fast downhill. Not terribly safe, but sooo much fun.

I took the MAX back downtown, and got off at the Kings Hill/Salmon stop a few blocks from my apartment.

PGE Park is right across the street, and oddly enough it was open with nobody manning the security booth. So I walked in and took some pics.

Then I went to walk back home, and I noticed Lincoln High School's football field was also open, so I took some more pics of the field overlooking the West Hills.

On the way back I ran into this little dude...

...and possibly the cutest snowman I saw all morning.

I got back home and had me some breakfast sammiches and a nice mug of authentic Cuban caf con leche. (If you're in Portland and you want some, you need to come by my place because you can't get it anywhere else. I had to smuggle a jar of Caf Bustelo from my last trip back home.)
By noon this had already become one of the best days ever.
oddly though, this guy was playing dark step live. interesting and unusual.
Black market? I only know of a few folks to ask, and Judy isn't putting out.