Hello SGworld!
If there's one thing I love, it's eating! It's so difficult to choose just one favorite food, I believe it's a matter of phases cause I already felt that barbecue was definitely my favorite food, but a while ago I was completely addicted to burritos, and today pizza is my favorite food, the diversity of flavors of pizzas here in Brazil is amazing! Hahaha
I confess that maybe this love for pizzas has been intensified by my immense desire for you to see my new set, there will be a lot of Acami and a lot of pizza! OMG, I can't wait! But no spoilers for now 🤫
So, what's your favorite food? Do you like pizza? Is there someone who doesn't like pizza? What's your favorite pizza flavor? What do you like about pizza? TELL ME EVERYTHING!
@missy @rambo @jacqueline