i phonebanked against 43. it failed. i canvassed against 41 and 48. they failed. coincidence? i think not. i am a political machine.

have i mentioned lately fuck politics?
yes, fuck them in the ear. and I shave my legs, etc. not to uphold the status quo, but to rebel against my primate ancestors and their oppressive regime of hair. and you get an internet hug for fighting against Measure 43. seriously.
interesting that a guilty verdict for saddam hussein is delivered two days before the midterm elections. cute.
"interesting" as in "convenient"
have i mentioned lately how much of not a fan not of not the government i am not? psyche.
so i got a check today.
gross: $990
Net: $760
the motherfucking government took $230.
a bunch of that went to social security. there won't even be social security. i am paying for the mother fucking baby boomers. d o n a t i o n....
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geez wish i could get a check for $760. you wouldn't see me bitching about it. jk. it's just the fact of the matter is they're going to take part of it no matter what. bastards!
just bought paper moon on dvd. oh, you haven't seen it yet? get on that.
i did the hostel thing. i did the homeless thing for a while too. that was interesting. a few weeks ago i decided that i needed to spoil myself and go out to the coast for the weekend to unwind from the week of work; i had heard so many good things about the coast. so i hitchhiked out to the coast with a couple...
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