If I could post 3 pages of FUCKIN' somewhat cohesive bullshit about what happened with my date tonight i would! But I can't!...
So fuck it!!! Let me jump to the chase...many beers and a few shots of tequila later, we find our hero at a bar called the Central. Enjoying a tasty beverage and listening to some metal band crank out their tunes! Good stuff! His date is into it, but she decides that heading into the girls' bathroom with a friend to get high is really the thing to do. I, don't see much harm in this at all, and off they go. - I won't bore you with the nothing that happened in between, but I was left standing by myself for over an hour. Yes, an hour. I wasn't sure what happened, but I figured at that point I had given the benfit of the doubt. I grabbed my dates belongings and gave them to a waitress I knew she was friend's with, along with another $10 (for cab fare back to her car). I said "I don't know where she is, but I hope she's ok." With that I left. I even called back to leave her a message, and she answered! but seemed puzzled by the whole situation when I told her I was back at home.
Crap. There's far more details to this than I care to commit to writing, but anyone that leaves a date hanging for an hour, no apologies, well that's just fucked!
I believe that there's something in society called respect...and I don't feel that I was afforded any of it at that point.
(and yes I am drunk, bitter, and feeling a little more self-righteous than usual).
and I ask you, is it bad when your date buys some coke while you're out? (and I do NOT refer to Pepsi's competitor here),
If I could post 3 pages of FUCKIN' somewhat cohesive bullshit about what happened with my date tonight i would! But I can't!...
So fuck it!!! Let me jump to the chase...many beers and a few shots of tequila later, we find our hero at a bar called the Central. Enjoying a tasty beverage and listening to some metal band crank out their tunes! Good stuff! His date is into it, but she decides that heading into the girls' bathroom with a friend to get high is really the thing to do. I, don't see much harm in this at all, and off they go. - I won't bore you with the nothing that happened in between, but I was left standing by myself for over an hour. Yes, an hour. I wasn't sure what happened, but I figured at that point I had given the benfit of the doubt. I grabbed my dates belongings and gave them to a waitress I knew she was friend's with, along with another $10 (for cab fare back to her car). I said "I don't know where she is, but I hope she's ok." With that I left. I even called back to leave her a message, and she answered! but seemed puzzled by the whole situation when I told her I was back at home.
Crap. There's far more details to this than I care to commit to writing, but anyone that leaves a date hanging for an hour, no apologies, well that's just fucked!
I believe that there's something in society called respect...and I don't feel that I was afforded any of it at that point.
(and yes I am drunk, bitter, and feeling a little more self-righteous than usual).
and I ask you, is it bad when your date buys some coke while you're out? (and I do NOT refer to Pepsi's competitor here),
will eat you alive

yes, you do.