Read all about it. Always wanted to say that.
Nothing much really new going in the realm of actual life events right now. One of those odd periods when like 10 things are all in the process of happening at once. In the end it just makes more sense to me to post as they come to fruition. Apparently there is a haiku death match at the end of the month. I dont know what that means either, but I guess I will find out.
In the land of melodrama on the other hand it seems things are lively. Now I walked away from this pathetic scene some years ago. Some crazy notion I had about actually doing something with my life I guess. But, every once in a while it rears its hydratic heads. For those of you reading this that have no idea who, or what, I am talking about. Just ignore it, I know I normally do. Just remember any dolt can post an insult, regardless of how little of it is rooted in reality. For those that do know what I am talking about. I make absolutely no apologies for standing up for my friends, or family. Unlike others I understand the value of loyalty.
I am not deleting what all ready has been posted, unlike others I have no fear of someone elses opinion, no matter how warped, or little ground it holds in reality.
Random words
Quit being passive.
Show me your friends, and I'll tell you what drugs you do.
It's been a long time since I thought of Evil as the opposite of Good.
The effort to understand the universe is one of the very few things that lifts human life a little above the level of farce, and gives it some of the grace of tragedy.
-Steven Weinberg
Read all about it. Always wanted to say that.
Nothing much really new going in the realm of actual life events right now. One of those odd periods when like 10 things are all in the process of happening at once. In the end it just makes more sense to me to post as they come to fruition. Apparently there is a haiku death match at the end of the month. I dont know what that means either, but I guess I will find out.
In the land of melodrama on the other hand it seems things are lively. Now I walked away from this pathetic scene some years ago. Some crazy notion I had about actually doing something with my life I guess. But, every once in a while it rears its hydratic heads. For those of you reading this that have no idea who, or what, I am talking about. Just ignore it, I know I normally do. Just remember any dolt can post an insult, regardless of how little of it is rooted in reality. For those that do know what I am talking about. I make absolutely no apologies for standing up for my friends, or family. Unlike others I understand the value of loyalty.
I am not deleting what all ready has been posted, unlike others I have no fear of someone elses opinion, no matter how warped, or little ground it holds in reality.
Random words
Quit being passive.
Show me your friends, and I'll tell you what drugs you do.
It's been a long time since I thought of Evil as the opposite of Good.
The effort to understand the universe is one of the very few things that lifts human life a little above the level of farce, and gives it some of the grace of tragedy.
-Steven Weinberg

i missed your call and since i was avoiding my phone for reasons i refuse to discuss anymore i just heard it this am. i will call you this afternoon...