- on What does the person above you do when they're alone? in silliness
- on abbeyso's blog post
- on The "Pose" in foot fetish
- on Ladies with wide hips in fetish photography
- on abbeyso's blog post
- on abbeyso's blog post
I'm so nervous, I'm not gonna bombard you with a long post, I'm just gonna let you read the picture and leave you with a link. Thanks so much guys. Cheers to helping me chase my goals! Let's smash another one! Vote here!
I have been feeling like poo for the past few weeks so my activity on social media has been fairly minimal, but I miss you guys! And thankfully after all the craziness with the hurricane, I am safe and my city is unscathed.
In more exciting news..
My new set is in que now, it'll be up in about 3 months! (I know, I don't...
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I just learned that you can vote for me once per day, per email! If you would like to help me get to the next round of Miss Inked Orlando 2016 please vote using the THIS LINK and type in the name Abbey before your email!! #vote4abbey If you have an instagram, and would like to give me some additional support, you can repost any
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first place is the title of miss inked Orlando 2016, a photo shoot, a massage (I'd do it just for the massage) and a nice cash prize, and I would really love to come in first. But this vote guarantees my place in the top 5 finalists! So it's really important to me! Thank you guys so much for your time....
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My official dates for my trip to New York are October 16-19! If any photographers or suicide girls want to meet up, message me! Additionally I am still looking for a place to stay for two, if anyone has any hotel or Airbnb hook ups, I can trade high fives, hugs and a shot or two for a good deal! Lol if you would like...
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"What are 3 things you think everyone should know how to do"
Fuck if I know.
Just kidding.. sort of.
This could get a little deep (that's what sh..)
Thing number uno.
Everyone should know how to accept and let go of things they have no control over.
It's understandable to freak out after a week of the sky falling, but when everything is plummeting...
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