So I got a call from the company that provides me with my pager service.
This is the same company that recently purchased a sports stadium here in Toronto for a stupidly low price.
The phone call went as such:
Me: Hello?
CSR: Hi, I'd like to speak to Rob Brown please.
Me: Giddy'yup
CSR: Um ... yes, I'd like to speak to Rob Brown please.
Me: Start yapping, my time is your money.
CSR: Oh - hi there Mr. Brown - this is (dude) from (company), we are just calling to let you know that you have an outstanding account.
Me: Oh ... thanks - that's nice of you to say. I think it's pretty nifty myself.
It turned out he meant that I owed them money. I was disappointed.
Anyways ... I was asked and asked and asked and pestered and bugged to tell people what I want for my birthday.
Now ... really ... I am fine with nothing. Your friendships are all I could EVER ask for and is the best gift that each of you could give me.
However ... if you are tempted to get me something, I have stooped to a new level and have made a wishlist. An actual one!
Now ... keep in mind ... if you can think of something yourself, feel free. I will also accept cards, naked pictures, long letters, gag gifts, home made items or absolutely nothing.
And for those that were wondering, yes, the address was right in my last journal. But for you lazy people, I will add it here again.
Rob Brown
14-4218 Lawrence Ave. East. Suite 136
Toronto On Canada
M1E 4X9
And this wishlist I speak of? Click here.
And I'm off for the weekend. Gonna be seeing some of you crazy cats at Playdium this Saturday ... can't wait. Have a good weekend everyone.
This is the same company that recently purchased a sports stadium here in Toronto for a stupidly low price.
The phone call went as such:
Me: Hello?
CSR: Hi, I'd like to speak to Rob Brown please.
Me: Giddy'yup
CSR: Um ... yes, I'd like to speak to Rob Brown please.
Me: Start yapping, my time is your money.
CSR: Oh - hi there Mr. Brown - this is (dude) from (company), we are just calling to let you know that you have an outstanding account.
Me: Oh ... thanks - that's nice of you to say. I think it's pretty nifty myself.
It turned out he meant that I owed them money. I was disappointed.
Anyways ... I was asked and asked and asked and pestered and bugged to tell people what I want for my birthday.
Now ... really ... I am fine with nothing. Your friendships are all I could EVER ask for and is the best gift that each of you could give me.
However ... if you are tempted to get me something, I have stooped to a new level and have made a wishlist. An actual one!
Now ... keep in mind ... if you can think of something yourself, feel free. I will also accept cards, naked pictures, long letters, gag gifts, home made items or absolutely nothing.
And for those that were wondering, yes, the address was right in my last journal. But for you lazy people, I will add it here again.
Rob Brown
14-4218 Lawrence Ave. East. Suite 136
Toronto On Canada
M1E 4X9
And this wishlist I speak of? Click here.
And I'm off for the weekend. Gonna be seeing some of you crazy cats at Playdium this Saturday ... can't wait. Have a good weekend everyone.
That CRACKED ME UP!!! You're so funny. I have a ton of pretty nifty accounts, so I know how that is.
Cool, you accept naked pics for birthday presents. I know what YOU'RE getting from me...