If I might have the chance to hint and wink a bit here ... what is the point of sending a freind request if you aren't actually gonna talk to the person before the friend request is sent?
Isn't that a telling sign of how much conversation will take place after the FR is accepted?
Hence why two people that apparently wanna be my friend WILL NOT be my friend at this time. Give me the decency of chatting to me before you care to be my friend. I frankly have no clue who you people are and usually wouldn't mind accepting a new face ... but I'm taking this whole Friends list deal a bit more seriously. It's not a popularity contest for me. I don't care if I have 5 or 50 people on my list ... just as long as they live up to the name of the list.
But yeah ... I digress.
It's snowed a shitload of snow in the past two days. I never want to shovel again.
I help Scandaleux move on Friday. It should be fun ... and I shall do my best not to break anything.
And to any wrestling fans out there that watch WWE RAW ... please ... tell me one thing .... how the hell ... in 2005, when there are hundreds of wrestling moves, does Chris Masters not only use ... but wins with ... THE HALF FUCKING NELSON???
Is this 1978?
Isn't that a telling sign of how much conversation will take place after the FR is accepted?
Hence why two people that apparently wanna be my friend WILL NOT be my friend at this time. Give me the decency of chatting to me before you care to be my friend. I frankly have no clue who you people are and usually wouldn't mind accepting a new face ... but I'm taking this whole Friends list deal a bit more seriously. It's not a popularity contest for me. I don't care if I have 5 or 50 people on my list ... just as long as they live up to the name of the list.
But yeah ... I digress.
It's snowed a shitload of snow in the past two days. I never want to shovel again.
I help Scandaleux move on Friday. It should be fun ... and I shall do my best not to break anything.
And to any wrestling fans out there that watch WWE RAW ... please ... tell me one thing .... how the hell ... in 2005, when there are hundreds of wrestling moves, does Chris Masters not only use ... but wins with ... THE HALF FUCKING NELSON???
Is this 1978?