Not much to report really as things are still in a state of limbo with my housing and financial situations, but on saturday I had some touchup work done on my tattoo (all the little bits that needed re-inking and filling) so it's now 100% completely finished
On the spur of the moment, I also had my glyph done on the inside of my wrist. I'd wanted something there for a while, but not really known what to get, but friday I went to see Blade Trinity with some friends, saw them done on the wrist then, and thought it looked pretty good, so I had it done
I did want it done in UV reactive ink, but my artist won't work with it, so I just had it done in black. When Emily gets a glyph, I'll have that done on my other wrist to keep things balanced 

Merry Xmas 

Happy New Year from Green Bay, WI.