i have new photos. im a dirty emo. yay.
also, my myspace is http://www.myspace.com/piercingsrock
add me if you want.
yes, i already said im a emo.
bahahahahaa. love it.
Misery Signals?! You have impeccable taste. Have you heard 7 Angels 7 Plagues?

Friend up immediately, fellow Brisbanite. biggrin
when are etid coming again??????? they were awesome last time!
SGAU National hookup..... please read it! smile
once again, more problems with ben.
i love him, he doesnt know if he loves me so much anymore.
i wish i could say that i could just leave him, but of course its not so easy.
i love him so much, its stupid and embarrasing.
because now i have to wait around for him to decided whether or not he loves me enough to...
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wow, once again i have nothing to say, but its been so long since i last posted one of these things.
i have my next tattoo appointment on the 6th feburary, for 5 hours. im really excited, i get to start the colour on my arm & i hope it will be mostly done by the end of the session.
i hate some of my...
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sometimes i think [KNOW] relationships suck.
when its good, its great.
when its bad, all you want to do is turn into a dirty little emo and cry.
i think im not good at adapting to change, im not good with lies.
i hate lying- when you love someone so much, why lie? the truth can hurt but the fact that you lied hurt even...
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check out Walk Tall.
as the saying goes,
They're better than youre mums cooking.
check them out here:
Walk Tall Myspace Site
whoa whoa whoa.... better than my mum's cooking?! i think NOT!!!
bens playing drums tomorrow night with his band, called Walk Tall.
ill be there, its exciting. this will be the first time i see him play with the whole band.
its a hardcore gig, so there will be a few other hardcore bands playing, im also looking foward to seeing them.

thats alll, really. i have no money. i got a haircut, and i hate...
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im going to make a effort to get on more.
so whats been happening? wow i know everyone is dying to find out!
nothing much. its all the same really:
i've been working alot, my boyfriend ben finally got a new job yay so that means more money for both of us, he started today and he has to get up at 5.30am...
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im getting pretty pissed with this arrangement.
i hate not having a computer.
[i live with my boyfriend and we dont have one.]
on the bright side i got some more of my tattoo done.
its almost finised but i have one final two hour session to go. its looking pretty sweet [i think.].
yes so basically its the same: work, friends, work, work, work....
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ahh it's ok, I have been on as much either.
I actually should gets pics of my tattoo up in the next few weeks or so. I'm buying a digital camera soon. If you don't have a computer, how do you get on SG at all? They don't let you get on here at like, libraries do they??
steal one!! biggrin