i don't usually have much trouble remembering my dreams, but i think it's because i remember them that i remember them - ?
i've always heard that if you write them down or tell them to somebody the moment you wake up, when you're still half asleep that you'll get better and better a/b remembering them.
for example, this morning i dreamt i was at work (vet hospital) and everyone was pregant - all the animals and all the people, including me, and it was sort of a war-like feeling where everyone was panicking and things were dying and i gave birth and wen right on working but couldn't find the surgical instruments that some one was asking for and all the babies died.
good morning!
yeah. nothing.
i've always heard that if you write them down or tell them to somebody the moment you wake up, when you're still half asleep that you'll get better and better a/b remembering them.
for example, this morning i dreamt i was at work (vet hospital) and everyone was pregant - all the animals and all the people, including me, and it was sort of a war-like feeling where everyone was panicking and things were dying and i gave birth and wen right on working but couldn't find the surgical instruments that some one was asking for and all the babies died.
good morning!