Well it's been nearly a week since I actually updated my journal - in the scheme of things thats not exactly an age, but i like to update regularly.
I spent the weekend down in Shoreham visting the inlaws
but i did get to spend the day in Brighton which is always cool - lots of different types of people there...it's like London-on-sea, but seeing as i love London it's all good. Loads of emo kids
I forgot to take my camera
I was really down on Sunday...happens sometimes, and Sunday is the worst days for the blues, but all is cool now...me and smokette had a proper chat on Monday night and things are as they should be - it's a long story but it envolved the usual doubts. I have spastic moments like that but they pass.
Starting to pack things up for the move - my god we have so much shit!
Can't wait for this on Friday
Fight Night Round 3 I'm so sad...don't imagine i'll be seeing kuch dylight this weekend!
Peace n' luv

I spent the weekend down in Shoreham visting the inlaws

I forgot to take my camera

I was really down on Sunday...happens sometimes, and Sunday is the worst days for the blues, but all is cool now...me and smokette had a proper chat on Monday night and things are as they should be - it's a long story but it envolved the usual doubts. I have spastic moments like that but they pass.
Starting to pack things up for the move - my god we have so much shit!
Can't wait for this on Friday
Fight Night Round 3 I'm so sad...don't imagine i'll be seeing kuch dylight this weekend!
Peace n' luv

My impluse buying is getting better. It will have to now.
Totally feeling that dude!!!! but i do take a little pleasure in that at the same time!
It feels gooood to be bad (without really having to be that bad)
I enjoyed it though. Another well made film. Just one thing had me a little puzzled though... wasn't exactly sure of what the note pinned to the guy's chest at the end was (seeing as I can't read Korean). I'm assuming those guys were linked to the organ dealers though.
Well, I'll probably sit down and watch Sympathy for Lady Vengeance tomorrow night...
Thank you very much for bringing these movies to my attention!