Man i feel rough...i'm fucking freezing and all the heaters are on! When you give up booze and have a drink again (on an painfully empty stomach) it really messes you up...and combined with a slighty dubious dinner afterwards!
What made it worse was the fact that i didn't want to go out tonight in the first place, but i thought "i'm so anti-social i have to go out"...i think i'll stick to my hermit-like existance from now on!
Anyway, sorry for the piss-poor whinging journal zen is distincly off at the moment...I'm am off to bed to sleep and/or die.
Peace n' luv; brothers n' sisters

What made it worse was the fact that i didn't want to go out tonight in the first place, but i thought "i'm so anti-social i have to go out"...i think i'll stick to my hermit-like existance from now on!
Anyway, sorry for the piss-poor whinging journal zen is distincly off at the moment...I'm am off to bed to sleep and/or die.
Peace n' luv; brothers n' sisters

My wife soaks her feet in hot water before bed and then dresses up like an eskimo. I prefer the opposite end of the spectrum, but what can you do?
Sorry it is so terribly belated.... but thank you for the comment on my set!
I'm also selling the scarf that I was knitting in the set.