I'm really happy to be back a bit more active in this community, I would like to meet you all and I was thinking...Why do not you tell me a little about you?What do you like to do in your free time? Do you have any hobbies? Let's get to know each other a little bit! I start... I'm an italian girl from Rome, I...
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:):):)i be crazy. 'nuff said:):):)
I’m reading Siddhartha by Hesse at the moment. I confesss I haven’t read much of him. Have you read this book and did you like it? I’m from Southern California, born and raised. Nice to meet you. Your set was, umm, quite the experience for the senses. I look forward to your response and have a good one. πŸ™‚

I'm really excited, finally at the end of this month I will be sending my third set for SuicideGirls with @louiscipher !! Plus...I don't know if you follow the Infected Rain, a super alternative metal band with a front woman Lena! <3 If you don't follow them, very bad guys! very bad! I love them, and guess what?! No...I don't tell you, a surprise u.u...
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Sorry for my absence, now I finally have a pc and I can best follow my account yuuuupiiiee!! Thank you very much for all to follow me, I hope to soon another set for #suicidegirls ... while the doubt that is at my head at the moment is: do my hair completely black or blue rest? existential doubts, please help me!! Write me and let...
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Black 😍

Hi beauties!

I'm avalaible in Emilia (Italy) from 17 to 20 September in the company of @alisong ❀

We're available to couple shooting!

⭐We have the possibility of a beautiful location in Piacenza⭐

For info, ideas, proposals and more contact us privately.

Thank you! 😊

OMG I hope you grace SG with such Lusciousness πŸ’œπŸ’œ
You are very pretty!

Follow me on my facebook page exclusively dedicated to the make-up world! 😍😍😍
