Rather than do stupid things, I employ the distraction method. Which I GUESS could also mean 'stupid things', but in my case, at this moment, it doesn't. It works pretty well as long as I don't run out of things to do or people to talk to...
Work and sleep and work and sleep and work and sleep. I've lost ten pounds since going back to work. I guess sitting around smoking dope and eating all day was making me a a fat ass. Maybe work, maybe the summer weather. There comes a point where it becomes to hot to eat.
Yesterday I also barely ate too..it was 90 degrees here and i lost all of my appetite, it happens. Watermelon tends to keep me alive during the summer heat. How bad is the humidity over where you are?
You can't go wrong with cute snoring bunnies! I'm an addict to PETTUBE.COM check it out whenever you are bored, seriously heart attack inducing level of cuteness videos on there.