bored like whoa
A - Available: how much money you got?
A - Age: 24
A - Annoyances: where to art school wankers who don't realise how profoundly they lack in talent, windy weather, bad vibes from co-workers, jethro tull
B - Best Friend(s): jaana, dave, venla, anni....i'm greedy
B - Bar: temple lane has the best coctails, union is the cheapest
B - Birthday: 15/11
C - Celebrity Crush: tom chaplin from keane...oh he is sexual
C - Car: whatever jeremy clarkson prefers this week
C - Cat: i have allergy
D - Dead Pet's Name: monni
D - Dad's Name: antti
D - Dog: i have one but it's in finland, i cry
E - Easiest person to talk to: dave probably
E - Eggs: come from chickens, yes
E - Email: ihatexos at hotmail dot com
F - Favorite Color: black
F - Food: tunnocks teacakes, white chocolate, wonton soup
F - Foreign Slang: everything is to me...
G - Gummi Bears or Worms: gelatine bad!
G - God: <me
G - Good Time: when i was making the love with my lady, she say i best man in the world
H - Hair Color: black
H - Height: 5'7"
H - Happy: twice a year if i'm lucky
I - Ice Cream: double chocolate fudge brownie
I - Instrument: i got mad key chops!
I - Idol: malcolm middleton
J - Jewelry: is cool
J - Job: foppeteer
K - Kids: one day perhaps
K - Karate: nah
L - Longest Car Ride: 12 hours maybe
L - Longest Relationship: year and four months
M - Milk Flavor: eh...milk?
M - Mother's Name: inkeri
M - Movie Last Watched: monster (shite)
N - Number of Siblings: 0
N - Northern or Southern: southern
N - Name: tarquin de montfort
O - One Wish: i won 200 million in the lottery plz
O - One Phobia: otters
O - Otter Pops: you are scaring me now
P - Parents: live far away
P - Part of your appearance you like best: gah, i dunno...eyes
P - Part of your personality you like: i am not mentally blind
Q - Quote(s): 'money is the price of life'
Q - Quick or Slow: quick
Q - Quicksand: okay....i prefer their earlier stuff
R - Reason to smile: love, sunshine, music
R - Reality TV Show: meet the barkers
R - Right or Left: left
S - Song Last Heard: new hot chip record!
S - Season: summer
S - Sex: is excellent
T - Time you woke up: 7.30am (had work)
T - Time for bed: when i'm sleepy
U - Unknown Fact about me: i don't dislike anyone
U - Unicorns: okay...i like that jellybones song the best
U - U are: fantabulous
V - Vegetable you hate: cauliflower
V - Vegetable you like: tomato
V - View on Politics: consuming
W- Worst Habit: self-pity
W- Where are you going to travel next: finland
W- Where Are You: on my bed
X - X-Rays: not recently
X - Xrated Movies: are excellent
X - X-tra special someone: dave
Y - Year you were born: 1981
Y - Year it is now: 2006
Y - Yellow: is the color of a mai tai
Z - Zoo Animal: free the bears
Z - Zodiac: scorpio
Z - Zoolander: magnum!
A - Available: how much money you got?
A - Age: 24
A - Annoyances: where to art school wankers who don't realise how profoundly they lack in talent, windy weather, bad vibes from co-workers, jethro tull
B - Best Friend(s): jaana, dave, venla, anni....i'm greedy
B - Bar: temple lane has the best coctails, union is the cheapest
B - Birthday: 15/11
C - Celebrity Crush: tom chaplin from keane...oh he is sexual
C - Car: whatever jeremy clarkson prefers this week
C - Cat: i have allergy
D - Dead Pet's Name: monni
D - Dad's Name: antti
D - Dog: i have one but it's in finland, i cry
E - Easiest person to talk to: dave probably
E - Eggs: come from chickens, yes
E - Email: ihatexos at hotmail dot com
F - Favorite Color: black
F - Food: tunnocks teacakes, white chocolate, wonton soup
F - Foreign Slang: everything is to me...
G - Gummi Bears or Worms: gelatine bad!
G - God: <me
G - Good Time: when i was making the love with my lady, she say i best man in the world
H - Hair Color: black
H - Height: 5'7"
H - Happy: twice a year if i'm lucky
I - Ice Cream: double chocolate fudge brownie
I - Instrument: i got mad key chops!
I - Idol: malcolm middleton
J - Jewelry: is cool
J - Job: foppeteer
K - Kids: one day perhaps
K - Karate: nah
L - Longest Car Ride: 12 hours maybe
L - Longest Relationship: year and four months
M - Milk Flavor: eh...milk?
M - Mother's Name: inkeri
M - Movie Last Watched: monster (shite)
N - Number of Siblings: 0
N - Northern or Southern: southern
N - Name: tarquin de montfort
O - One Wish: i won 200 million in the lottery plz
O - One Phobia: otters
O - Otter Pops: you are scaring me now
P - Parents: live far away
P - Part of your appearance you like best: gah, i dunno...eyes
P - Part of your personality you like: i am not mentally blind
Q - Quote(s): 'money is the price of life'
Q - Quick or Slow: quick
Q - Quicksand: okay....i prefer their earlier stuff
R - Reason to smile: love, sunshine, music
R - Reality TV Show: meet the barkers
R - Right or Left: left
S - Song Last Heard: new hot chip record!
S - Season: summer
S - Sex: is excellent
T - Time you woke up: 7.30am (had work)
T - Time for bed: when i'm sleepy
U - Unknown Fact about me: i don't dislike anyone
U - Unicorns: okay...i like that jellybones song the best
U - U are: fantabulous
V - Vegetable you hate: cauliflower
V - Vegetable you like: tomato
V - View on Politics: consuming
W- Worst Habit: self-pity
W- Where are you going to travel next: finland
W- Where Are You: on my bed
X - X-Rays: not recently
X - Xrated Movies: are excellent
X - X-tra special someone: dave
Y - Year you were born: 1981
Y - Year it is now: 2006
Y - Yellow: is the color of a mai tai
Z - Zoo Animal: free the bears
Z - Zodiac: scorpio
Z - Zoolander: magnum!
W- What is so annoying about Jethro Tull?
I hope the boredom has passed.