Ugh. Trouble with the roommate. Not only has she been late for rent since we moved in (2 1/2 months) shes also being incredibly mean to me, especially when shes been drinking certain liquors.
True colors show I guess. It seems like her and my mother both are only nice to me when they want something. I pretty much pay for everything. Which usually I dont mind, until shes late for rent AGAIN and it doesnt even phase her.
Whats sucks worse is that the lease is in my name and I really cant afford to be constantly picking up the slack. She never buys groceries, im always buying her food and all she does is bitch to people about ME every chance she gets. Im soooo tired of being so passive, but I really dont care for drama or confrontation. I just dont like arguing and bottom line is, I need her here because I cant afford rent here by myself. And theres no one else in this city I trust enough to not only live with, esp because of my daughter, and no one really that I can trust to pay their share, even if its late.
Eeerrr, we used to be such good friends. We both gave and took equally. Now im just feeling wayyy taken advantage of, and like I have absolutely no kind of respect from them.
I may not work 40+ hours a week, but when I do work at my job, I come home exhausted, bruused and sore. Im actually WORKNG not just standing behind some desk.
Fuuckkk, maybe I should of just kept my damned doimg my best not to bottle this up, but im gonna just explode soon. I can feel it.
True colors show I guess. It seems like her and my mother both are only nice to me when they want something. I pretty much pay for everything. Which usually I dont mind, until shes late for rent AGAIN and it doesnt even phase her.
Whats sucks worse is that the lease is in my name and I really cant afford to be constantly picking up the slack. She never buys groceries, im always buying her food and all she does is bitch to people about ME every chance she gets. Im soooo tired of being so passive, but I really dont care for drama or confrontation. I just dont like arguing and bottom line is, I need her here because I cant afford rent here by myself. And theres no one else in this city I trust enough to not only live with, esp because of my daughter, and no one really that I can trust to pay their share, even if its late.
Eeerrr, we used to be such good friends. We both gave and took equally. Now im just feeling wayyy taken advantage of, and like I have absolutely no kind of respect from them.
I may not work 40+ hours a week, but when I do work at my job, I come home exhausted, bruused and sore. Im actually WORKNG not just standing behind some desk.
Fuuckkk, maybe I should of just kept my damned doimg my best not to bottle this up, but im gonna just explode soon. I can feel it.

I know the feeling girl!! i've had 4 shitty roommates since I moved out of my parents house and that's why i live by myself now lol it sucks when you need them too, cuz i've been in that boat. its really hard to deal with it, and in my case i didnt, i kicked them out. luckily i have an amazing grandma that helped me with rent. i hope things get better for you, maybe if you sit down and talk to her about all of it (when she's not drunk lol) maybe she'll understand
I hope she comes to reason, you know i'll be waiting to hear what you have to say