Well, it's been pretty quiet around here.
My day looks like this:
Get up at buttcrack o clock, go to work, get home at five, eat, do laundry, pass out.
The only thing I'm really missing is being able to work out.
I haven't worked out since last Friday (eek! it's summer and I missed a whole freakin week!!
) because either there is no place to do it (the only space big enough is if I rearrange the livingroom or use the loft when my roommate is gone) or because my roommate is camped out on the couch with the tv up FULL BLAST (I can never find quiet time to do yoga) or has people over.
Thank GOD that bitch is leaving this weekend! She was supposed to be gone three weeks ago.
Yeah, now I suppose I will rant about her.
Basically she was staying with our mutual friend in January when Shawn's mom kicked us out and he let us come stay too. It's a little a-frame with one 'bedroom' (no real doors), kitchen and bath downstairs and a loft above the 'bedroom'.
It was a ROUGH couple of months because they are both partiers, up at all hours, barely getting any sleep, having a crowd of people over at all hours, drugs, drugs, more drugs, and even more alcohol.
Not that I mind that normally...But I was SIIIIIIICK
for a month when I was prego, and again for three weeks with the horrible flu..I don't like living in a party house anyway. I like to visit party houses and then go home where its clean and quiet.
Anywho, Gabe (our friend who owns the house) met a boy and moved a few hours away to Palm Springs. Ever since then it has SUCKED.
Stacey (the bitch roommate) has gotten worse and worse. She thinks she owns the place because she was there first.
She was supposed to move back to Colorado like a month ago but instead she's been getting faded off the money her parents sent her for her trip...She quit her job before she was supposed to leave...
So she just sits on her ass all day smoking pot and drinking and watching the tv at maximum volume. And every night she's either camped out in front of the tv til 2 or 3 in the morning or she's in and out and banging into EVERYTHING coz she's so wasted or she's got a bunch of people over.
By the way it's a HUGE tv and the back is toward our room, so it blares out the back speakers three times louder than the person in the livingroom watching it can hear.
Anyway, since I'm ranting.... She uses our shit without asking. She eats our food without asking...the other day Shawn left his dinner plate sitting on the counter, was gonna be right back...she sat down and started eating it!!! I was like, Shawn hates that...he yells at ME for doing that...and she was snotty and kept eating!
I bought good laundry soap and only got three loads out of it...she took it from where I hid it and did ALL of her laundry...used the whole fuckin thing up...that really pisses me off, beacuse for one, obviously it wasn't 'community' soap and for two, I couldn't do my own pile of laundry I had bought the frikkin thing for!
Every time I put on quiet music or my yoga video she decides its time to rearrange the furniture or cook something...She SLAMS every cubboard and door and everything she sets down....
And she totally kisses Shawn's ass. And he lets her. He doesn't understand why I can't be nice to her. He loads her bongloads for crying out loud. He gets pissed at me when I get pissed at her. He says it's MY problem.
Um, okay. It's MY problem that this deadbeat **whore has no respect for anyone or herself and I don't want to show her respect I don't have for her. I'm sorry but when I detest someone I can't hide it. I can't make small talk with them or look them in the eye. I want them to know they're pissin me off.
**This is accurate. She comes home not knowing who she's fucked or where she's been. She brings NASTY people over. The other weekend she spent two days on the couch moaning and groaning that her ass hurt and she didn't know who did it.
Did I mention it was one of her friends that robbed us? Yeah, it was this tweeker bitch she brought over. Stole my whole purse...my favorite purse. With my id, bank card, checks, ALL of our gift cards from Xmas and my birthday, (about $400 worth) over $100 worth of good makeup, ALL of my 'candy' from people I've met at raves and parties, (I had happened to take them off the night before and stash them in my purse--each bracelet had meaning and reminded me of someone special), my trusty oldskool Nokia phone that refused to die and I had had for like 4 years, oh yeah, and our CAR KEYS...
our only set...we went to the dealer to make new ones...for some RIDICULOUS reason they had to drill out a whole new ignition...each fucking key cost us $350! SEVEN HUNDRED FUCKING DOLLARS FOR TWO KEYS! And then she had the gall to go around telling everyone that SHE had been robbed. Yah right bitch.
I'll finish my rant later. Got to go do actual 'work'. heh.
My day looks like this:
Get up at buttcrack o clock, go to work, get home at five, eat, do laundry, pass out.
The only thing I'm really missing is being able to work out.
I haven't worked out since last Friday (eek! it's summer and I missed a whole freakin week!!

Thank GOD that bitch is leaving this weekend! She was supposed to be gone three weeks ago.
Yeah, now I suppose I will rant about her.
Basically she was staying with our mutual friend in January when Shawn's mom kicked us out and he let us come stay too. It's a little a-frame with one 'bedroom' (no real doors), kitchen and bath downstairs and a loft above the 'bedroom'.
It was a ROUGH couple of months because they are both partiers, up at all hours, barely getting any sleep, having a crowd of people over at all hours, drugs, drugs, more drugs, and even more alcohol.
Not that I mind that normally...But I was SIIIIIIICK

Anywho, Gabe (our friend who owns the house) met a boy and moved a few hours away to Palm Springs. Ever since then it has SUCKED.
Stacey (the bitch roommate) has gotten worse and worse. She thinks she owns the place because she was there first.
She was supposed to move back to Colorado like a month ago but instead she's been getting faded off the money her parents sent her for her trip...She quit her job before she was supposed to leave...
So she just sits on her ass all day smoking pot and drinking and watching the tv at maximum volume. And every night she's either camped out in front of the tv til 2 or 3 in the morning or she's in and out and banging into EVERYTHING coz she's so wasted or she's got a bunch of people over.
By the way it's a HUGE tv and the back is toward our room, so it blares out the back speakers three times louder than the person in the livingroom watching it can hear.
Anyway, since I'm ranting.... She uses our shit without asking. She eats our food without asking...the other day Shawn left his dinner plate sitting on the counter, was gonna be right back...she sat down and started eating it!!! I was like, Shawn hates that...he yells at ME for doing that...and she was snotty and kept eating!
I bought good laundry soap and only got three loads out of it...she took it from where I hid it and did ALL of her laundry...used the whole fuckin thing up...that really pisses me off, beacuse for one, obviously it wasn't 'community' soap and for two, I couldn't do my own pile of laundry I had bought the frikkin thing for!
Every time I put on quiet music or my yoga video she decides its time to rearrange the furniture or cook something...She SLAMS every cubboard and door and everything she sets down....
And she totally kisses Shawn's ass. And he lets her. He doesn't understand why I can't be nice to her. He loads her bongloads for crying out loud. He gets pissed at me when I get pissed at her. He says it's MY problem.
Um, okay. It's MY problem that this deadbeat **whore has no respect for anyone or herself and I don't want to show her respect I don't have for her. I'm sorry but when I detest someone I can't hide it. I can't make small talk with them or look them in the eye. I want them to know they're pissin me off.
**This is accurate. She comes home not knowing who she's fucked or where she's been. She brings NASTY people over. The other weekend she spent two days on the couch moaning and groaning that her ass hurt and she didn't know who did it.
Did I mention it was one of her friends that robbed us? Yeah, it was this tweeker bitch she brought over. Stole my whole purse...my favorite purse. With my id, bank card, checks, ALL of our gift cards from Xmas and my birthday, (about $400 worth) over $100 worth of good makeup, ALL of my 'candy' from people I've met at raves and parties, (I had happened to take them off the night before and stash them in my purse--each bracelet had meaning and reminded me of someone special), my trusty oldskool Nokia phone that refused to die and I had had for like 4 years, oh yeah, and our CAR KEYS...
our only set...we went to the dealer to make new ones...for some RIDICULOUS reason they had to drill out a whole new ignition...each fucking key cost us $350! SEVEN HUNDRED FUCKING DOLLARS FOR TWO KEYS! And then she had the gall to go around telling everyone that SHE had been robbed. Yah right bitch.
I'll finish my rant later. Got to go do actual 'work'. heh.
and thank you for all those comments on my journal a few days ago. im glad someone could understand my thoughts and where i am coming from.
ps. have you been on that 11 11 site lately? theres a great astrological forecast type thing for april and the year. well now they probably changed it to may. but either way, that site is the shit. so much of the yearly forecast was right on.
was she even half decent when she moved in?