So volunteer orientation was great, as expected. I was surprised at how easy it was to be around horses again, though of course the horses there were exceptionally tolerant school horses, which helped. I was also surprised at how overwhelmed I felt when it was my turn to walk beside a horse and help an autistic child stay on and go through his riding exercises. I had to focus on the child's safety while trying to simultaneously support him and not interfere with his therapeutic process, while also maintaining awareness of everything going on around me in a small arena. It's so much easier for me just to be on horseback! I'm pretty sure helping the riders gets easier with practice.
The therapeutic value of the riding sessions on the children impressed me; they were bouncing off of the walls when they entered the arena and were calm and focused after just minutes on horseback. The staff were very patient and kind with the new volunteers and I'm excited to continue my training next week and learn more.
I woke up yesterday feeling like I'd been hit by a truck, so went to the doctor and found out I had a high fever and some sort of viral sinusitis (not flu, thank goodness). I'm off work for the next few days, doctor's orders, and have been on a strict self-prescribed regimen of NSAIDs, Law & Order SVU, Edith Wharton, white tea, and lavender essential oil on hot washcloths over my sinuses. I feel so much better today, other than wanting to sleep all the time. It's actually not bad to be back home with some time off. I've been petsitting in Manhattan for the past 10 days and have missed my little apartment and my roommates. It's cozy here. Just have to keep my nose in Wharton and forget about all of the bad news far away & close to home. Argh.
Queens love:
The therapeutic value of the riding sessions on the children impressed me; they were bouncing off of the walls when they entered the arena and were calm and focused after just minutes on horseback. The staff were very patient and kind with the new volunteers and I'm excited to continue my training next week and learn more.
I woke up yesterday feeling like I'd been hit by a truck, so went to the doctor and found out I had a high fever and some sort of viral sinusitis (not flu, thank goodness). I'm off work for the next few days, doctor's orders, and have been on a strict self-prescribed regimen of NSAIDs, Law & Order SVU, Edith Wharton, white tea, and lavender essential oil on hot washcloths over my sinuses. I feel so much better today, other than wanting to sleep all the time. It's actually not bad to be back home with some time off. I've been petsitting in Manhattan for the past 10 days and have missed my little apartment and my roommates. It's cozy here. Just have to keep my nose in Wharton and forget about all of the bad news far away & close to home. Argh.
Queens love:
The photos came out great!
really REALLY love the third, last, and Minotaur photos.
How often are you going back to do the volunteer work at the stables? It sounds really interesting. I have a couple friends back here who work with autistic children or whom are the parents of one and it's really interesting talking to them about how they interact with people and the world around them and the various therapies they have used.