Change is scary. My life has been blissfully perfect lately, and then at times I'm scared, upset, depressed and everything seems to been going wrong. (luckily those times are short lived.)
I'm getting a divorce (finally), I'm not going back into the strip club, I'm job hunting, I'm stopping drinking (the last drink I had was wednsday night), I'm trying to get over my eating...
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Interesting but so you if you know what I mean. Find your damn phone because I miss you!
This really made me cry, it's just unbelievably sad. Some humans can be so violent, I really don't understand people at all.
It is difficult to witness here.
Fiona is such a great entertainer!
Sooooo So happy. Tyler is the best
God damn, I hope that I can measure up to this GIFT of a boyfriend!

You do so every second of every minute of every hour of every day. You make me smile all the time and I wouldn't change anything about you.
Hello everyone. I'm finaly teaching yoga! It's so much fun. I have been training for a while and I am now starting to pick up classes in my instructor's studio. http://www.samadhistudios.com/home.html
the schedual will soon be updated on the website but I will be teaching:
Tuesday 7:30 pm - Beginner Yoga
Wednesday 7pm (me and my instructor together will teach) - Ashtanga vinyasa yoga (Int/Adv)...
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the schedual will soon be updated on the website but I will be teaching:
Tuesday 7:30 pm - Beginner Yoga
Wednesday 7pm (me and my instructor together will teach) - Ashtanga vinyasa yoga (Int/Adv)...
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oh, and you can click on events and news... that's me in the yellow tights in the partner yoga section 

Well... I put in an aplication today to be a Suicidegirl.
I changed my username also. RoseMary was my stripper name and I've always liked it. It's sort of my alter ego lol, at least that's what my husband says.
I put up some new pics. the last one of my profile pics actualy shows my pussy (I have no shame
) but it's such...
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I changed my username also. RoseMary was my stripper name and I've always liked it. It's sort of my alter ego lol, at least that's what my husband says.
I put up some new pics. the last one of my profile pics actualy shows my pussy (I have no shame

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Hey good luck with the application! And I hope you get the new rollers - that be cool!
The last picture in your profile is soooooo sexy!!!!! Small, eh?
The last picture in your profile is soooooo sexy!!!!! Small, eh?

Good luck! You're adorable! Thank you so much for coming out last night and being an awesome karaoke partner.

Well, I'm a vegitarian agian. And I'm considering going vegan. Up until now I saw no problem with eating eggs if they said free range or cage free on the box, but I reaserched those claims today and it turns out that they don't really mean shit. they are unregulated claims and a lot of those hens are just as confined and mistreated as the...
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Well, I think I've figured out what my weight goal is. I'm 5' 1" so I've decided to stay in the 102-110 range, that's my goal. And I reached it!
I weigh 106 today. I need to get new pictures up.

Thank You. I hope you feel better soon as well

Im sorry I havent said anything in so long. . . but I just want you to know you look so amazing!!!! Congrats on surpassing your goal!!!! Fucking gorgeous!
I'm such a goofball, check out my new pics in the skating album.
I went to visit my sister for the weekend. We went to a homeschool convention in Arlington. I got lots of cool curriculum for my kids. Then we went skating, and her husband came too. She has a really nice camera and she took a ton of pictures. We all had a...
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I went to visit my sister for the weekend. We went to a homeschool convention in Arlington. I got lots of cool curriculum for my kids. Then we went skating, and her husband came too. She has a really nice camera and she took a ton of pictures. We all had a...
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hey i saw a pic on you on the weigh loss group! u look aweeeeesome. how did umanage to loose that weight!?
Thank you, thank you
No big secret... I just eat a lot less and exersise a few times a week.

No big secret... I just eat a lot less and exersise a few times a week.
Yup, it's hot!!! SExy you.
You bod looks soooooooo.... nice.
Congrats. Now will you come to my studio?

You bod looks soooooooo.... nice.
Congrats. Now will you come to my studio?

Thanks guys! Sorry for the late reply, I was away for the weekend.
I apreciate the compliments so much
And having you take my picture actualy sounds like it would be fun, Callistus, Thanks for the offer.
I apreciate the compliments so much

And having you take my picture actualy sounds like it would be fun, Callistus, Thanks for the offer.