i had the last 2 days off work and that was real nice but today i go back to work but im kinda happy cause im out of money lol
i went to the movies and saw lemony snickets series of unfortunate events and i thought it was good. i would buy it on dvd when it comes out. i want to c everything at...
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i went to the movies and saw lemony snickets series of unfortunate events and i thought it was good. i would buy it on dvd when it comes out. i want to c everything at...
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I just got the Lemony Snicket books reccomended to me yesterday. I did not see the movie though.
I used to try and see one movie a week but I still do not seem to have the time. I saw Electra over the weekend but it sucked. The only good part was a preview of the Fantastic Four movie. It was my favorite as a kid (god, I am such a dork but I don't really care.
I used to try and see one movie a week but I still do not seem to have the time. I saw Electra over the weekend but it sucked. The only good part was a preview of the Fantastic Four movie. It was my favorite as a kid (god, I am such a dork but I don't really care.

Well that makes sense I suppose but still. Illinois is horrible at the moment. To cold.
i got some money from people for xmas and socks lol so that was nice. my daughter got a ton of shit and no im not gonna tell u all about it cause it would be a long list lol. thank god i got this job workin at a club or else she would have only got a few things for xmas. im not sure...
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i saw a comment you left a while back saying you were moving to ft drum...did that ever happen? thats where i am and my boyfriends just left to go to colorado and im lonely. if yer here maybe we could get together sometime.

i hope everyone has a merry xmas and a happy new year

I just LOVEEEEEEEEE your rejected horse set.
I was soooo gonna do that, cuz I have a horse toooo

I was soooo gonna do that, cuz I have a horse toooo

work work work
got to get toys under that tree for my little girl
got to get toys under that tree for my little girl
I recommend something Bratz, I bought a smoothie bar and pool for my niece this year.
Working hard for the money?
Talk to ya later.
Working hard for the money?

Talk to ya later.

Thank you for your smiles.......they mean more to me than I might easily convey! I hope your holiday is delightful and fun...............Love Joseph!
havnt done much really but worked everyday of the week. i went to a xmas party on saturday, that was fun.
just sat around and did nothin today on my day off. tomorrow im goin to the mall with my daughter on her class field trip to see santa and im gonna shop while there yaaaaaaaaaa..
what everyone do on there weekend?
i hope everyone...
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what everyone do on there weekend?
i hope everyone...
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Oh ... my weekend featured Santa Claus, too!
We took my son to the Polar Express Train in Fillmore and went to the North Pole to pick up Santa Claus. That kid sat on his lap for soooo long, making sure he got out the message that he wants SPIDERMAN toys for Christmas. There is so much Spiderman stuff in my apartment I feel like he is my lover or something -- except, ewwwww, Tobey Maguire just doesn't do it for me! And then Santa wanted ME to sit on his lap, old letch. I declined ... I was very bad this year and I'm not expecting much from him anyway.
So you keep trying with the sets, YG! You'll make it!
Merry Christmas to you, too!
We took my son to the Polar Express Train in Fillmore and went to the North Pole to pick up Santa Claus. That kid sat on his lap for soooo long, making sure he got out the message that he wants SPIDERMAN toys for Christmas. There is so much Spiderman stuff in my apartment I feel like he is my lover or something -- except, ewwwww, Tobey Maguire just doesn't do it for me! And then Santa wanted ME to sit on his lap, old letch. I declined ... I was very bad this year and I'm not expecting much from him anyway.
So you keep trying with the sets, YG! You'll make it!
Merry Christmas to you, too!
today was my day off and it felt good to sleep in, but i do got to work tomorrow blah but i want to go just to get out of the house and make money.
i need more friends damn it!
the weather has been real nice, what about where u guys r from?
blah blah blah nothin to say. tell me a story.
i need more friends damn it!
the weather has been real nice, what about where u guys r from?
blah blah blah nothin to say. tell me a story.

I hadn't heard from you in a while so I thought I would stop by for a quick hello, and to see how your doing.
your pic looks nice!
i got a job yesturday at New Orleans Ladies as a waitress
so yaaaa i now have some extra money. i work only for
tips so that kinda sucks but im nice so i should do well
workin tonight from 7pm-2am blah long hours
ill live.
what is everyone doin this weekend?
so yaaaa i now have some extra money. i work only for
tips so that kinda sucks but im nice so i should do well

workin tonight from 7pm-2am blah long hours

what is everyone doin this weekend?

Hey good job with the job.....that came out wrong, screw it.
Working for tips means u take home the money that day....sweet. Your last set was really good...have no idea why u haven't got accepted yet.
Well talk to ya later.
Working for tips means u take home the money that day....sweet. Your last set was really good...have no idea why u haven't got accepted yet.
Well talk to ya later.

YG - Yummy Goodness..
It's a more private party than SG. Anyone can find SG but it takes a special interest to discover the world of YG.
It's a more private party than SG. Anyone can find SG but it takes a special interest to discover the world of YG.
Beautiful! You have such a cute rear end!
another one of my kick ass sets got rejected again, i just dont get it. i do everything they asked and didnt crop the pics what so ever just sent them in as is, blah i guess ill try one more time and hope they accept it, third times a charm right? i might give up if they reject again cause its disappointing, u know....
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thank you i like yours as well!

YO!! I thought you had to wait 3 months or whatever, from the last set submition....maybe that's the problem?
kids and're feeding into my stereotypes of the south

im still loving this pic lol im so into that mic
ive been dealing with Dish Network about them installing cable though my window and there not suppost to and now its gonna cost me 45$ for them to fix it, when that bitch calls me back im gonna tell her there gonna pay for it or they can come take down my dish and...
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ive been dealing with Dish Network about them installing cable though my window and there not suppost to and now its gonna cost me 45$ for them to fix it, when that bitch calls me back im gonna tell her there gonna pay for it or they can come take down my dish and...
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hey, dont worry the website will be up soon...i hope.

Same thing I do every weekend...Try to take over the world!!! (shout out to the Animaniacs..god I miss that show).
BTW, yes I do feel better now...well except for the hangover this morning.
BTW, yes I do feel better now...well except for the hangover this morning.