I think I saw you riding in a car,
You looked happy for a woman
Black fingers in your mouth and a white,
And a white pearl choker.
My head plays it over and over,
Don't interrupt me.
I think I saw you reaching for a glass,
With your lanky white arms,
Nothing else moves... Read More
The worst is most definitely over, and I finally have time to breathe.
We had a freak storm here the other day, snow settling on the tulips and lilac blooms.
Now it's just raining, constantly. I'm going to go see the Twins play the White Sox later on this evening, so hopefully the weather will abate by then.
Tonight, I am prone to ceaseless pacing. I am glad the downstairs is an empty stage, and not a private residence, as they would be driven mad by incessant footsteps. I can't sleep. I have to rise before the sun and sit exams into the late afternoon, and then dance tonight for the drunks that stumble in to celebrate a holiday they don't even understand.... Read More
There are other ways to forget. Go and enjoy your party, knacker yourself out with good times and hopefully you'll be too tired to remember your dreams.
It's strange, the sheer numbers of medications that tend to cause nightmares...... or cause us to recall them more vividly. I'm discovering them now myself......
They say it gets better....... here's hoping for both of us.
We went to Chino Latino in uptown, and I became drunk off of the cherries in her drink. It doesn't take much.
Fifteen people came; dirty skaters that leaned their boards up against the walls of the fancy restaurant, hipsters that danced with the waiters, tattoo artists coming off of work, heroin addicts that ordered three courses and... Read More
I had a look into the Haruki Murakami novel where the quote you left originates. I'm intrigued, and I'll keep it in mind for the next time I buy books.
I leaned forward, trying for a kiss in the darkened car, with 's smoke scented interior, pock-marked with cigarette burns and stains from various coffee and cola beverages.
She half-smirked and leaned back, doing an out of place "jazz hands" routine to make the ring on her left hand catch the street lights pouring in, the ring I was trying valiantly to ignore in hopes... Read More
There's like 10 movies named Control that came out in the 2000s. Which one is it? I was trying to watch it but I don't know which one you want me to see. Lemme know...
Earlier this evening, Robin called me to ask whether Charlie and I were alive.
Apparently, early this morning, some guy broke into the house next door and sexually assaulted two teenage girls. On the news, they only stated the intersection, which is right where our building is located.
I've never had any illusions on the area of the city in which we live, but I... Read More
First, I hope that guy is castrated. Second... you are so lucky. I'm glad you are no longer disregarding your safety. There's enough random things in this world we can't control; don't give power to the abominations that we can. I'm glad you're safe.
I've been thinking about how well people keep, kind of like preserves of human beings at the back of the pantry. Do relationships have expiration dates? Can you truly exhaust a person's resources, drain them of their value, and be tired of them?
Can you read a person's worth accurately in the initial stages of interaction? There's something to be said about first impressions, yet,... Read More
I think that completely depends on the relationship, and on the paths each person travels.
First impressions can be overrated; there's too many factors that can change how people interact. The first few impressions, perhaps so.
She has a rosary tattooed on her hand;
It snakes around her wrist,
and in between her fingertips
and "forgive me"' is always on her lips.
A phone booth plays at confessional.
as she makes collect calls to old acquaintances;
The priest from her hometown
always answers in the middle of the night,
and the altar boys wire her money.