I've left the Hopefuls Only group. I don't like people putting words in my mouth, accusing me of saying things I didn't say and then arguing with each other about it. I've seen it happen to other girls as well, it's immature, it's boring, and it's annoying. I rarely post in there anyway.
I'm thoroughly expecting MORE shit for posting this. Sigh.
When people are acting foolish or confrontational I don't run away; I walk away, sometimes quickly. I guess we're on the same page here. After many years of study (sigh. . .) I see that people are acting from primitive instincts at these times, not quite realizing that the only disagreement that requires coming out a winner is one that involves a lion or perhaps a group of hyenas, otherwise it makes no earthly difference if someone disagrees with you. I'm preaching to the choir. Sorry.
Haha not complaining as such more like a high pitched whine. Its just really annoying cos they slip down and make my ass look like woaaaah huge. and then cos they are all baggy my legs look all stumpy its just not acheiving the desired affect godamnit!!
Yeh i really want some boyfriend jeans but the reason ive been wearing skinnies is that jeans tend to swallow me up and puff up my legs so i need to find a pair that fits immaculately. Ugh. Is farrrr too much hassle!
I knew that 2008 would bring a new, better time for everyone. The consensus seems to be that 2007 was officially the worst year ever for most people. Bereavement, illness and death seem to have been major themes. I was diagnosed with post-infective IBS and have been struggling with my digestive system ever since. I also had two gastric infections... Read More
What a terribly depressing blog.
I think I love you even more for getting through the entire year and still being so positive and strong.
I respect that.
A lot.
I had my eldest rat, Rosie, put down this morning. I brought her to my parents' for Christmas because she's been so poorly, but realised that there was nothing more I could do for her. The legendary trio of Lily, Bob and Rosie, three adorable little squeaks who have accompanied me through hell and high water these last two years, are finally... Read More
I'm sorry we weren't together when the clock went, but I did phone you as soon as I could afterwards, and now you're here with me x - Rosie was a wonderful little thing and an awesome bite-machine. She'll be missed xx
EDIT: Since I wrote this blog I've been in hospital. On Friday night I was kept awake all night because every time I tried to sleep, my breathing stopped. My heart was racing, and before long it was pounding so hard I couldn't get it to stop. I held out for nearly five hours and eventually had to phone an ambulance. I was taken into... Read More
I think death is one of those things you experience as you are indoctrinated to believe it to happen. It however is never as you expect. I sat with my Grandpa as he died slowly over the entire night before, then for the three hours before he finally passed on. It was a truly horrifying experience and I cried for hours, even thinking of it now makes me cry.
I'm sorry to hear you lost Lily, and I hope you start to feel better.
I love your entries. Call me dense, but I didn't know you worshiped Rufus Wainwright! I learned of him many moons ago when I dated a guy that came out himself two years after I broke up with him. Random tidbit, I know.
I just wanted to say thank you for all the wonderful messages and blog comments everyone sent after my blog about losing Martha...it really did make me smile. And big love to Gadget and Vesper, you guys are awesome, thanks for letting me vent
Well, things are very different. I went back up to my parents' house last Tuesday, and took Martha with me... Read More
damn i wish we could have pets here...theres the cutest puppy in this petshop i have to walk past to get to uni and no one buys him and he looks so sad...if i won the lottery i'd have to get him!
i came here to ask "who" to your post in the SG hopefuls group "chances to go pink" thread