would you come over? i really just need somone to hold right now.
yeah sure.. hold on. I'll be there in about 3 1/2 hours.

oh and i hate you for pointing that out. the whole still remains thing hasn't left my skull. i love that band tons. there's something about christian bands that i guess makes them seem more dedicated to what they do. well i guess they are christians.
haha. i'm funny..
anyway.. i guess that could work out. too bad you're not swinging by tommorow sometime. i feel like this weekend is going to be a shitty and boring one.
i'm going to try to not smoke for once. annnd i'm gonna try to quit smoking cigarettes as well. plus i have laundry and bills to pay.
aah, the enjoyable points of life. confused

I asked this guy today why he was intimidated by me..and he said.. i dont know.. you're an intimidating..exotic woman. And he just looked at me. It was crazy..and I laughed and walked away. biggrin

As for messenger..well..you're not there. I'm always on. That sucks that you're not around..but eh. I suppose you're busy. Get back to me when you can, kiddo. kiss
You've got some nerve, waking the beast from its slumber, twice in one afternoon.. tongue
I cannot remember one damn thing I just told you on the phone. surreal blush
So go ahead and give me a call tomorrow when you guys get here. My weekend is open for jackassery whenever (I think I sounded not so enthusiastic about it on teh phone), except the funeral saturday afternoon (at 1) which I'll be back by that night.
Um.. I do think I told you to drive safely, right? I'd offer to go too, but I'm not sure when my own company leaves tomorrow afternoon. I'll look forward to getting a happy phone call, not one notifying me of your death(s). smile

ps. If I end up staying up later tonight (I think we're supposed to return here at about 2:30 or 3), I'll consider calling to see if you're sleeping. biggrin
the names may or may not have been changed to protect the innocent, guilty, or indifferent. nobody who knows anybody involved will read this anyways, so what's the big deal?

so about the beginning of august was the time that i started looking for a place to live for the comming school year. UWM has a place on its website where people looking for...
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hey dude..you got aim/yahoo msg or something? i'm gonna be off of sg soon.
i guess it could be rather confusing. sorry. i was speaking of how she burned you. "with the matches you gave her." I don't know.. I though it was interesting how it worked out that way. confused
Oh and what weekend would that be, technically? The 14th - the 16th? I'm going to Nine Inch Nails on the 13th and I might be out of town with Logan until the 14th sometime in the evening. The chance is high that I wont be around.. It's up to you if you still want to stop by. I just wont be here. blackeyed
I stuck a 10 through my ear a couple nights ago..and now it's pussing and getting crusty. I can't remember if it's supposed to do that or not.. but it hurts less today than it did yesterday. I suppose thats good, right? confused
Anyway, I've been meaning to ask if you have aim or a form of messenger.. I just kept forgetting. So.. do you have a form of messenger? Maybe we could chit-chat a bit more than usual. wink
this just in: i suck at life.
WHOA! me too! what are the chances of us BOTH sucking at life?!
Haha. Sweet!
I just read your comment before I was going to head out to go get a can of coffee grounds..and it's quite ironic that you were thinking of stopping in LACROSSE for coffee. smile
I know of an awesome place. You+me+coffee=great time.

I was thinking about something else today, also. While I was sewing, of course. confused And It went a little something like this. Sara buys a bus ticket. Randomly. Goes to Milwaukee. Hangs out and drinks coffee with Undeserving and Moya. Score. Then Sara passes out on someone's couch and leaves the next morning. Idk. I think I'm sick of not having enough excitement around here. So road tripping on a bus sounds exciting enough to me. I'll probably go to Minneapolis, too. I know a few people there as well. Anyway.. randomness..

I dig you. Fyi. smile
the last couple of days have been ok. i'm working on getting over this cold at least, but not much else i guess. went to the show at the rave last night. the main band that i wanted to see was Reggie and The Full Effect, but i ended up listening to their entire set from outside while waiting for the guy who had our...
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Thanks, dude. You have caused my self-esteem to rocket.... It's a... Sky rocket in flight -
Everyone seems to be getting sick these days. Except me. I'm sorry, but you failed to contaminate me with that virus.

I'd be pissed if the band I went to go see did a 20 minute set. It takes like..20 minutes to get into the groove of things.. And then the party starts.
But I guess that's why there are opening bands, so you're all ready when the main one comes on..
Still, though, 20 minutes..pfff..Even for an opening one, that's too short.

I'm not sure if it's bad taking pleasure in that.. I mean, it makes me miserable when people try to push me out of the way and give me a hard time during a show, I'd like to just enjoy it, and have a good view. I suppose as long you didn't break any of their noses or fingernails, they dealt with it.
i actually got around to putting up some pics. yeah, i know hey? not having a digital camera is kinda limiting in that department. most of the posting-worthy stuff that i'd amassed over time either needed re-sizing or its file type changes. not a big deal, but just enough of a pain in the ass to make me never get around to doing it. i'm...
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Bah. surreal I looked at the Rave page earlier, and there are even more bands I want to go see. whatever I think I might have to go find a busy intersection with a comfy corner. shocked
thanx! kiss and i just watched donnie darko for about the 6th time a couple days ago. surreal i <3 that movie.
i've been stressing pretty bad these last few days. not really bad or anything, but just enough to keep me on edge it seems.

the shows themselves have been pretty good this week although everything surrounding them seems to be going to hell. monday we were without a p.a. system with about an hour to go before the show. when we started asking where the...
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I find myself thinking "I hope I don't turn out like my dad!" Mostly because all he ever does is work, sleep, eat and watch television. I want to do the things I enjoy, also. I guess he technically enjoys those things. Whatever. I don't like them. confused

Anyway.. If you've got an idea already, by all means go ahead and go for it. I still haven't had the chance to give it much thought. Work today was.. Ugh. I touched somewhere around 150 pairs of camo trousers. Meaning I had to stand all day. GAH. My legs ache..

Oooh! Tonight I'm geting pierced! I kinda wish you didn't live in Milwaukee, cause then you could come hangout with us. It's going to be a grand ole time.. YES. It's FRIDAY!!

Alright, well I'm gonna go take another shower. My second one today. RAR.
Ttyl. smile
That's a good suggestion. It'd be pretty funny to see the drunk people being more idiotic than ever..and not freeze outside while doing it. Did you do that?

I'm sort of disappointed in myself for staying in so often lately. I'm not even motivated to get up off my ass and walk to the library to read, like I did last year. Perhaps it's got something to do with, now that I'm here I'm kind of..bored with the idea? I hope not, this could just be a little rut. I need to climb out of it.

biggrin I've wanted to go back to Brady Street, or anywhere really, any music store maybe, then I look in my bank account and tell myself 'no'. With the last few dollars I have left, it's either concerts, cd's, or food..
No new cds for me, and it looks like I'm going to starve a bit.. skull

Have fun doing laundry.. blackeyed It took me hours to do 3 loads yesterday, and was a bitch to get it all back here. You don't have a washer/dryer at your place? That kind of sucks..
I find it sort of sad that I looked forward to going home and doing wash. It was something to do. Chores. Yay.. whatever
this afternoon was one of those times where i really wish that i owned a camera. but then again, maybe documentation of all such experiences would somehow lessen the special feelings that come when it happens again. anyways... there's just something to be said for going for a drive in severe weather.

lightning incessantly dances across the sky in search of something. sometimes it goes...
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Well, it was delicious, and my tongue has recovered. blush

Whenever I saw something that made me feel content, or happy..any emotion where I don't feel self destructive, or anything too negative, I used to wish I could catch it on my camera. I took two photography classes in high school, in an effort to do that.
After those classes, and I know I'm still no expert, I realized that it was quite impossible to catch that moment (of what? of me?) on something permanent. Unfortunately, we are unable to catch pure moments, emotions, thoughts, intuitions exactly as we'd like in a photograph to share with other; we can come only so close.

Nonetheless, there are people talented enough out there who can come that close, and I will admit there are some pictures that move me to the point of no words, or atleast it takes me a long time to come up with any. So, I guess I just contradicted myself, but I seem to be best at that. It's all perspective, I suppose, we all feel different things.

I developed a writing talent early on (maybe the attempt at photography was unneccesary, then again I had to find out myself that I could not capture what I wanted on film) and nourished it, and now, I think the things I write could be perhaps those '1000 words' to describe a picture, from my point of view. If it was just quiet around here for once during days like today, I would have such a splendid time sitting out by the fountain and writing pages..

And now my roommate with this really irritating voice has interrupted my thought.. I can hear her cell phone conversation, I'm in my room and she in hers, on opposite ends, over her tv and friends. skull

I'm sad I missed that storm. I was.. *drum roll* sitting in here on the computer.. Our windows didn't even get too wet, so I didn't know water was falling.. frown Had I known it was pouring, I would have gone to play in the rain..

*Edited because I forgot to capitalize an 'I'..

[Edited on Sep 15, 2005 12:40PM]
I had this sort of huge comment all typed out and then I accidentally clicked on something that made it dissapear. mad

So anyway, I was thinking about how I could make it a little bit more interesting.. instead of saying "WRITE ME A STORY!" I'll give you a sort of a topic..and you can maybe sort of put your opinion into words. Somehow creating a story? I haven't really come up with an idea yet, because I have soo much on my mind right now. I have to make some more mixed c.d.'s for work, and I still have to go to the store. I've been sitting here since I got home at 4:30, and now it's almost 6:30. I technically sit all day at work, so I don't understand why I'm soo lazy. confused

Oh and for the record.. I am too one of those who didn't care about english, yet still excelled in the subject. I went to a technical college here to get my HSED, and ended up scoring extremely high in english without even studying once. Sometimes it bothers me when people don't use commas in certain places. Yet sometimes I forget the commas myself. In fact, I probably missed a few in this whole comment. "My bad..", as Logan would say.

I'm gonna start making those mix c.d.'s. I'll get back to you with an idea of what to write. That is, if you even feel up to the thought.

sorry i haven't updated in a while, i tried, but it's just something i haven't felt like doing. it seems like i've been in a pretty lackluster mood continuously for i can't even remember how long. things haven't really been especially bad or anything, but they haven't really been good either. after years of relatively continuous disappointment i've found that i tend to dwell on...
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Hey you. I might come on a bus to Milwaukee someday, so I hope you wouldn't mind if I'd ever want to hangout with ya. You seem cool enough. And ya shouldn't be soo glum. I know, It's hard..I used to be the same way. Found it hard to find the positives in anything..sometimes I still think about the past, but then remember that I still have tommorow to have more fun and enjoy my time here.
Crazy that I'm thinking that way, now. Weird, crazy, even. Anyway kiddo.. Logan says he might hit up some shows in Milwaukee as well, so I might come along and meet some of his friends. I'm assuming you're one of the many, right? heh.. so either way, it's gonna happen. I'm gonna meet you. BE AFRAID. shocked
the sun has gone here frown
well i just got back into town after a fairly succesful weekend.

friday was b-rad's b-day, so after the shattered chotch show in waukesha the was a little get together at the cambridge estate. by little i mean surprisingly huge. ando drunkenly confirmed at about 2:30 in the morning that it was indeed a "fucking goddamn", but this was by far the biggest goddamn that...
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latida.. our birthdays almost match.. haha..

thanks for the kind words.. im not so concerned with finding "the one" so much as i am pissed off about having so many "not the one"s in my past.. haha.. i hate people..

thank you!!
yea i am all over the place biggrin
well today was my last day of work. and what do you know, i wake up late. i must have shut off my alarm without waking up again. i usually move my alarm clock around just enough that i can find it without waking up, but i figured i'd have a week or so with my new set-up before i'd have to worry about that...
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true story.. he went to milwaukee for school. although im sure you know that already.. smile
It's beautiful outside today, and I'm sitting here in the dorm chatting away.. biggrin I need to get a life, really..
I ate at Jimmy Johns last night and went to the grocery store. I'm so very slowly working on getting out more, but I don't even think I've been outside this suite yet today.. surreal

I got nothing when I quit my job. They even let me leave early.. Not one damn gift. After two years! I do believe this past friday, I got my paycheck, but that doesn't count.
well, 'bout time i get around to updating this hey? well, summer is coming to an end with the new semester starting next tuesday and all. as i said i took a break from updating this just because i thought a break from everything could do me some good. i suppose whether that was a good idea or not is something i'll be finding out...
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Which job would that be? confused
Oh, that was quite some time ago. That job didn't turn into anything much. But I just got a phonecall from my previous employers asking if I wanted to start working for them again. Soo yay.. Tuesday at 5 a.m. I'm gonna start again. eeek smile
Breaking News: just as i clicked the button to update i busted the fuck out of the chair i'm sitting in. the back rest is laying on the floor behind me in a small pile of splinters.

moving on...

i realize that i haven't been around at all, it's probably going to continue for the rest of the summer. i'm doing my best to just...
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haha, in all honesty.. i don't party at all. which is why i figured i'd give it a try. confused doesn't make sense. HEY HEY! we're headed to judgement day.. (on 666. apparently.)
I just got home from a show and i'm pretty good and drunk. i read the begining of ur entry and i laughed my ass off!!!!soory bout the chair!