i must be embarking on a one man anti-domestic violence surge...
as i lay in the bed watching the 2007 avn awards on pbtv last nite i hear yelling & screaming from somewhere in my block. i peek out the window but still dont see anyone. then they walk into my view & stop right in front of my house...2 females & a male. the... Read More
im on my way to the hospital yesterday morning. my grandma is recuperating from a mild heart attack she had monday morning. i had just gotten off from work, was exhausted, & fighting my sleep as i drove the 7 miles to the hospital. i actually only made it a mile & a half when i rode up on some shit.
im not gay...
im not homophobic...
im not prejudiced...
but can anyone tell me why, when im in dupont dircle especially, gay black men have a tendency to violate my personal space? i do believe that this is mainly due to my profession & that im in uniform because this doesnt happen to me any other time.
the caribbean fest is this weekend in dc. i will be there all day saturday & sunday with the camera shooting candids of all the goings on. its supposed to be a scorcher...lots of flesh exposed! i got a hotel room hooked up downtown...so ill be ready for the after hr jumpoffs, nah mean?!
peace to all & i hope all is well so far... Read More
i would love to thank each & everyone who wished me a happy birthday individually. however, my desktop is on the spritz & the hotel has a porn filter. so im not able to come to sg as much as i would like. peace to everyone out there, i hope all is well with you & your endeavors.
ive been to the atl for a lil 4 day vacation, & then came back to work when all hell was breaking loose. so ive been doing the ot thing. i hate it... i covet my free time from work. i get so tired of seeing all the worst things in people.
yeah...its a new year, but it really aint all that happy. nothing has changed except the numbers on the calendar & the days that they fall on.
you still go to work in the morning at that lame fucking job that has no growth potential. you earn sub-par money & cant be sick or else you get docked pay.
I figured if you couldn't make it, either something horrible happened, or you got real sick. So no, i'm not going to make you feel guity about not making it.
"Genesis chapter eleven verse ten
Explains the geneology of Chem
Chem was a black man, in Africa
If you repeat this fact they can't laugh at ya
Genesis fourteen verse thirteen
Abraham steps on the scene
Being a descendent of Chem which is a fact
Means, Abraham too was black
Abraham born in the city of a black man
Called Nimrod grandson of Kam
Kam... Read More