I have had a wonderfull weekend so much stuff going and so little time . I got to get a really big bottlel of well you see it in the pic dam did I get screwed up lol and manged to cook and meal in the moring lol . I think I a spoiling my girl with the cooking lollll. She seems so happy to...
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wow I am so stund to tonight wtf I am so bouncen off the walls dam job has got me going haywired lol . The new job is going great getting along with ever one and kicking some ass at it to . I really like this one its almost like a work out for me lifting throwing stuff at a hi speed got to...
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I put my application in at liner world like 3 months ago and I never got a call back, if I can help it I dont want to work in any factory in Richmond they are all so nasty, I dont know where you work.
Sounds like your going to have a good weekend.
That looks like a really beautiful place to be I hope you get to go there.
Sounds like your going to have a good weekend.
That looks like a really beautiful place to be I hope you get to go there.
Ok I am lost where am I ????????????
how did you get lost?

You know wher you're at man!...Halfway from I dont give a fuck...Take a left onto Eat shit and die...Then a right on What the Fuck lane...Then pull into the parking lot of Ride 'em Hard Saloon...
Do went well real well and swell and all that stuff untill one thing I did not get kinda pissed and worried a little bit but I keep my self kewl and later on turn the pissed into the other person like I usually. Sometimes I just cant talk about stuff at moments but I usually get even in my owen demented way kinda strange...
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I'm so sorry. I was trying to be there for her. I didn't mean for anything to happen.
I so wasn't trying to hide anything....

Hey. Still alive. Work had me pretty covered up the last little while. The end of the month gets crazy. Working 16 hour days, shit like that. So how's all on your end?
Every thing is going so good right now hum I dont know what to expect next hummmmm. The new job is easy and well fun really ( work=fun=WTF) . My first day I caught on good and every one there is a blast to work with no is stuck up so thats a plus and its night work too woooohoooooo I love night work I...
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I hate moving also. Sounds like the job is alright. It is great to have a job that you really enjoy and have fun with.
I might drin orange juice or milk as I watch it but anyway
I never heard of the movie you mentioned. What is it about?

Alright ever thing is looking up I am haven good luck because august is almost over and I got a job ner well you know who lol so its all looking up and I am ready to sore out of this freaking rut . I just cant help it but every thing I love needs to be close to me and thats my goal in...
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Man you seriously got a guitar from Dime?! Thats crazy, how come you got it? Those pictures are great its a pity they're so small though. You have some really cool guitars, Id love a dean though mind you the big kind of dima shape guitars would look massive on me as Im pretty small! Hopefully there will be a new one soon. Good luck!

Dude I feel ya there. I life is good !!!
Cowboys from hell
So I set here afteer 5 hours of hot baby batter flying love and I am ready for more and the othere is passed out so what should I do hummm I am ready for 12 hours more . I think hummmm wtf my sexual drive gets worse and wants more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more...
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oh hell yeah twizz...those old pantera pics are awesome! i have them stored on my old computer! gawddamn i miss dime

Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice guitarrrrrrrrr

Ok Wow what a enventfull week.
Last saterday went to see Cheap Trick and Alice Cooper not to bad I just felt I was stuck could not do much because the Concert was in seats . Thats the only part that really sucked about the concert is that you had seating I hate those kind.
This month is almost over dam I wish it would...
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Last saterday went to see Cheap Trick and Alice Cooper not to bad I just felt I was stuck could not do much because the Concert was in seats . Thats the only part that really sucked about the concert is that you had seating I hate those kind.
This month is almost over dam I wish it would...
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Hey baby! You kickin' this early today?

Hot rods
Well glad your weekend was good; I hope your head doesnt hurt too much from all the drinking. So what did you cook?
Glad you like your new job.
Yes she is a knock out. If she would have died I dont think I would have ever gotten over it, I have lost way to many friends and I dont want to lose any more.
No I dont have a job yet, Im starting to get really desperate.