Last night's date went well, which is to be expected any time you throw a bottle and a half of sparkling wine and some flightless bird into the mix. Mmmm, ostrich.
I decided to spoil myself with a good meal and some Burgundy today. I had steak, which I really don't eat often, in fact I may have had it less than ten times in... Read More
Wicker Park is horrifying on the weekends, no question. At least Saturday nights aren't as bad as Friday nights, although Saturday afternoons can fuck off entirely.
Life is good, I finally remembered to stock up on cheap booze before leaving work. Mmmmmm, I sure do love me some Old Crow!
I suffered through the embarassment of showing my old college video projects to a friend. It was kind of painful at first, but it's been long enough that I can actually laugh about it. We made some plans for shenanigans to... Read More
Lousy Labor day. I had to work, though it was a half day and nobody else was around, so I got a lot done. But it rained, so i couldn't go to the BBQ I was invited to. Oh well, I probably would've skipped it anyway.
So the girl who watched Mod Fuck Explosion with me the other day says that I need to bring... Read More
Okay, my date that misfired and didn't happen last night ended up happening tonight. It was nice. Not nice enough to keep me from coming home tonight, but that's alright. We can work on that.
We got together to watch a movie, and she let me pick even though I warned her I'd probably choose something obnoxious. She basically challenged me to bring something that... Read More
Hot Critical Mass action. Fun fun stuff.
I met a girl online last night, and chatted for a while. I asked her if she wanted to meet up, and MSN messenger said that my message couldn't be sent. Later I asked again, and it crashed on me. We decided that fate was trying to tell us something.
We also decided that fate can fuck off,... Read More
The Jaeger was a special occasion -- it was that girl's birthday.
I can't believe it's 11.30pm on a Friday and I'm at home. What the hell? I can't even fuck around with music, because my upstairs neighbors came home a few minutes ago.
Maybe I'll go back to arranging my kitchen, or sanding my goatskins.
The fabled date last night was pretty good. Not exactly great, certainly not terrible. Upon reflection, I've realized that I've never really been all that taken with someone upon first meeting them. I never really thought about it before, but any successful first dates I've had have always been prefaced by some sort of familiarity with each other. I'm also not usually a one-on-one kind... Read More
I just realized how incredibly boring my last journal entry was. Sorry, I've disappointed all of my fans.
I still don't have much to say, but I'll try. I started rearranging my room the other day, and I have to finish it tonight. It's not exactly fun, but it should be well worth it in the end.
The roomate has The Two Towers going in... Read More
Crazy day. I finally had to learn how to work really fast, which hasn't really been my modus operandi lately.
Horray for conversational Latin!
Anyway, I had to basically do a double work load today because I was surreptitiously made the contact person for a couple of things that I wasn't expecting at all! Suddenly my voicemail and inbox were innundated with messages, and things... Read More
Nice! Sarah is cool, I haven't talked to her in a couple weeks, but I should. maybe I'll say hi during work tomorrow if I'm not too tied up. Maybe I can bowl next week!
Ahhh, Epoxies. Returnables too! They both put on a great show, lotsa lotsa fun. Astute observers may have noticed my ass moving ever so slightly, a rare occurence indeed.
It was good to see Reggie Lee Ray again (the Returnables guy) though trying to talk to the other guys was futile at best. It only got worse when some girl came up to me and... Read More
makes me wish i'd made the show, instead of spending the night in the bar instead. oh well, fuck it, i tied on a reasonable drunk and met a really cool chick that hopefully i'll run into again (she lives in the neighborhood). she gave me a flower and kissed me on the cheek when she left. i was too stupid and slow to get her number, though.
so it goes.
on the brighter side, i got a new drum this weekend, for half price because it needs new heads.
conversations with cannon girl are getting weird. i'll fill you in at bowling tomorrow night.
Work was good today. I finally got caught up, and perhaps even a bit ahead. But I did get yelled at by some whiny baby of a customer. He called down the thunder, and now he's gonna get it!
I ended up having to help out my old department for a while since one of the guys has apparently disappeared off the face of the... Read More