Good news everyone! my hangover is fading. It might be the Guiness I'm drinking, or the thought of the sandwich I'm about to make, I can't deceide. I burned the shit out of myself at work last night and today there is nothing there. I think i am becoming immune to hot oil or something. Work is kicking ass lately which is what I needed....
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By the way, I put you on my messengay...I hope you don't mind!

hey dude, thanks for the invite. we're going to have to hang out sometime, but not tonite. plus i don't like that band! but yea, we'll have to go get drinks soonish!
So what do I think? I think why not, rock n' roll.
I think. You're hot.
How's that?
How's that?
unlucky that he is parting ways in Feb forever!

i had a feeling this bastard of an election would be like this. we're going to have to wait for days for a shitty decision. making up some scheme again to fool us into believing bush actually won in the polls. does voting even matter any more? or is it already over before it begins. i'm not saying don't vote but come on, fuck! oh,...
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If I could go back in time I'd go back to Thursday and tell you you should go the the Lost Sounds show.
On second thought, if I had a time machine, I'd also go back in time to early Tuesday morning to tell my past self that Bush won so that I wasn't so colossaly disappointed Tuesday night.
On second thought, if I had a time machine, I'd also go back in time to early Tuesday morning to tell my past self that Bush won so that I wasn't so colossaly disappointed Tuesday night.
I too hate to say don't vote...but the fact that, even when one does vote, the controlling powers represent the fucking polar opposite of everything I believe in make me want to purchase a high powered rifle...well you know, one can't help but lose faith.
Hell, looking on the bright side though...with alll the hopelessness and everything...maybe all those people who directed their energy towards politics will give up the societal masturbation of democracy and start focusing their energy towards art and music. My theory is is we still got a decade or two to push the human potential of creativity forward before Bush, and those right wing neo nazis...I mean neo humanity and the rest of the planet into the ground.
Hell, looking on the bright side though...with alll the hopelessness and everything...maybe all those people who directed their energy towards politics will give up the societal masturbation of democracy and start focusing their energy towards art and music. My theory is is we still got a decade or two to push the human potential of creativity forward before Bush, and those right wing neo nazis...I mean neo humanity and the rest of the planet into the ground.
I can't say that Halloween was anything special. I wish I could. Everything gets too built up these days.
Well let's see here, lately: more strange conversations, drastic highs and lows, confusion, and PADDLEBOATING! Yes! Yesterday morning me and some friends and some other people went out on Stow lake. Yah, it's pretty dorky but it was kinda fun seeing as how we took lot's...
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Well let's see here, lately: more strange conversations, drastic highs and lows, confusion, and PADDLEBOATING! Yes! Yesterday morning me and some friends and some other people went out on Stow lake. Yah, it's pretty dorky but it was kinda fun seeing as how we took lot's...
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recovering from Halloween at your place of work is never a fun way to do it.
It seems that everyone's sunday was less than wonderful though. I guess it is too much of a build up.
It seems that everyone's sunday was less than wonderful though. I guess it is too much of a build up.
Yeah, I'm skeezy like that.
I didn't do anything on Sunday. Oh well!
I didn't do anything on Sunday. Oh well!
Last night was awesome, and tonight should be even better. It's funny how you just sort of realize how good of friends some people actually are. I'm lame, I don't think I'll have a costume in time but oh well. The pictures taken tonight and tomorrow shall be the greatest ever. i ran into this amazing girl last night that I had met a long...
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Yay for Halloween!
Aww... ran into an amazing girl, eh?
You're lovely.
Aww... ran into an amazing girl, eh?

You're lovely.

woo! halloween. there isn't shit to do tonite. hmpf.
As someone sets light to the first fire of autumn,
we settle down to cut ourselves apart.
cough and twitch from the news on your face,
and some foreign candle burning in your eyes.
held to the past too aware of the pending,
chill as the dawn breaks and finds us up for sale.
enter the fog another low road descending,
away from the cold...
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we settle down to cut ourselves apart.
cough and twitch from the news on your face,
and some foreign candle burning in your eyes.
held to the past too aware of the pending,
chill as the dawn breaks and finds us up for sale.
enter the fog another low road descending,
away from the cold...
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Well, now I don't feel so bad about missing Interpol. Oh yeah, I noticed a few journals ago that you like The Arcade Fire. In case you didn't know, they're playing at Bottom of the Hill in December! It's bound to sell out, so act fast! (now I sound like an infomercial...). Just a heads-up!
The Arcade Fire show is on a Wednesday... Kinda a shitty day for a show.
Metric was rad. Emily Haines is absolutely nuts! She extended the final sobng (Dead Disco) into a 15 minute tirade against Bush, contemplating (and finally doing) a crowd dive from the speakers, rambling on about... I don't even know, really, she was pretty cracked out. Needless to say, I love her!
Metric was rad. Emily Haines is absolutely nuts! She extended the final sobng (Dead Disco) into a 15 minute tirade against Bush, contemplating (and finally doing) a crowd dive from the speakers, rambling on about... I don't even know, really, she was pretty cracked out. Needless to say, I love her!

So my sister is flying out to see me soon. I can't wait. She is cool shit and probly my best friend. Rain, rain, rain. The next two days are gonna be awesome. No work, Clinic and Interpol. No more drunken entries I swear. haha. off to work
you said: "sorry, it's gone [the Interpol ticket]. but if you want to go to a good show me and a couple of friends are going to Clinic at GAMH on sunday"
I'm not really much of a Clinic fan, but thanks for the invite! Hope you guys have fun. Would love if you wrote a review on your journal of the Interpol show though. I imagine you're probably there right now getting your groove on to the sounds of Paul Banks and co.
Well, I'm off to catching up with emails and such with the sound of the rain outside my window. Add me as a friend if you'd like. You have some cool journal entries (drunken rants are the best!)
I'm not really much of a Clinic fan, but thanks for the invite! Hope you guys have fun. Would love if you wrote a review on your journal of the Interpol show though. I imagine you're probably there right now getting your groove on to the sounds of Paul Banks and co.
Well, I'm off to catching up with emails and such with the sound of the rain outside my window. Add me as a friend if you'd like. You have some cool journal entries (drunken rants are the best!)
Hope the Interpol show was good. Wait... what the fuck am I saying? I KNOW they're good. I have no idea why I didn't immediately buy tickets...
I just noticed you have lyrics from a Stratford 4 song in your profile. Man, I love that song!
I just noticed you have lyrics from a Stratford 4 song in your profile. Man, I love that song!
Seems like this is my favorite place to go when im drunk in the middle of the night. Well i must not be that drunk cause i am typing. my plan isn't working. went to the bars on a thursday night. now im drowning my sorrows to the arcade fire lp. what a weird night. partially good. did some shit i told myself i wasn't...
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HAH. Love it.
i will fight to the death for it. or trade it for a better fitting shirt and a poster.
I've been trying to identify the factors in my life that are making me bored/unhappy lately. 1. Social life lately is pretty boring. I'm tired of going out and drinking but it seems like that is all anyone does around here. 2. Lack of people here that really know me or even want to. 3. Roomate/"best friend" is so fucked up all the time i...
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All the hot, interesting girls live in Canada. We have this big secret factory where they're all made. They let them loose in the summer time and in september when school starts and then they disappear in the winter time and do "indoor activities"
for 5 months. That's how we keep warm!

My life is lacking something
more details tomorrow, maybe
more details tomorrow, maybe
Mine is lacking.... a life
pep up yo

pep up yo

it's true, you are
but anyways, elaborate, please
it's true, you are
but anyways, elaborate, please

So i really shouldn't post on the boards when I'm drunk. I probly shouldn't even get near my computer. Last night was really cool. I was finishing up at work and this girl who works in the kitchen with me recognizes some one in the dining room. So they start talking and I hear this girl mention Aspen. So I but in and explain how...
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oh hun.maybe i'll come visit one day.

golden gate park and ocean beach