"Hey fellas, have you heard the news..."
Just another aside to the "downloading is killing the industry" argument - what's the difference between this and taping ten or twenty years ago? The only real difference is that whereas with tapes you were limited to your friends record collections (or the racks of the local record library if you were more crafty), nowadays the range of available music is significantly larger, given anyone...
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First Radiohead, now Nine Inch Nails. The bandwagon for big league rock acts bucking the record labels in favour of a novel and progressive distribution model is growing. I liked the idea when Radiohead announced it. Now Trent Reznor spews the typical rhetoric about how the traditional record industry model is failing, and about how this is the way forward. And it's bullshit.
It's very...
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It's very...
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Yeah, fuck-- I don't know really. I'm just totally burnt on the whole thing.
And sorry about the bitching re: guitar stuff. In fact, I was saw your name on my friend list and was hoping I hadn't given any offense. I'd just been hanging out that night with a bunch of poseurs who talk only about music and think they're really bitchin because they're in bands. I always end up wanting to strangle someone at the end of nights like that.
Oh well.
I'll probably be around a bit. I just don't feel like writing anything or making any special effort to meet up with people, as it never seems to happen-- flakes.
Good luck with the new band.
And sorry about the bitching re: guitar stuff. In fact, I was saw your name on my friend list and was hoping I hadn't given any offense. I'd just been hanging out that night with a bunch of poseurs who talk only about music and think they're really bitchin because they're in bands. I always end up wanting to strangle someone at the end of nights like that.
Oh well.
I'll probably be around a bit. I just don't feel like writing anything or making any special effort to meet up with people, as it never seems to happen-- flakes.
Good luck with the new band.
Meat, cheese, and beer are really the only things man needs to survive.
Gig last night. With Drunk Granny, who were really good. They picked up an androgynous drugged-up drifter in a shop before the show. I think the idea was he was gonna sing (wail into a microphone) during one song, but what actually happened was he kept crashing the stage and tried to have fully clothed sex with Debi Granny mid-song. The girls kept shooing...
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thanks hun. i might go to your gig if i can get a babysitter

We need to get a new band for this!
Incase you forget. As you're likely to.
Incase you forget. As you're likely to.

(Grade A bellyaching follows unfulfilled wanted ad)
Bass Player
for "experimental" "rock" "band". Based in Cardiff, UK.
Influences PiL / Birthday Party / Big Black / Wire / 23 Skidoo / Sonic Youth / Talking Heads / Swans / The Fall / Pere Ubu
Ability, image, brain, vehicle & driving licence desirable.
Apply within. And by within, I mean send me a fucking message,...
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Bass Player
for "experimental" "rock" "band". Based in Cardiff, UK.
Influences PiL / Birthday Party / Big Black / Wire / 23 Skidoo / Sonic Youth / Talking Heads / Swans / The Fall / Pere Ubu
Ability, image, brain, vehicle & driving licence desirable.
Apply within. And by within, I mean send me a fucking message,...
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Back from internet hiatus. New place, which is very nice. Still looking for
Bass Player
for "experimental" "rock" "band". Based in Cardiff, UK.
Influences PiL / Birthday Party / Big Black / Wire / 23 Skidoo / Sonic Youth / Talking Heads / Swans / The Fall / Pere Ubu
Ability, image, brain, vehicle & driving licence desirable.
Apply within. And by within, I...
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Bass Player
for "experimental" "rock" "band". Based in Cardiff, UK.
Influences PiL / Birthday Party / Big Black / Wire / 23 Skidoo / Sonic Youth / Talking Heads / Swans / The Fall / Pere Ubu
Ability, image, brain, vehicle & driving licence desirable.
Apply within. And by within, I...
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it's basically a continuation of a band i had before. to be honest I know everyone says it's hard to pigeon hole their sound but with me it is.
Some songs are pretty country in a fucked up way and some are just soaring and grungey like hole etc. Some are just plain messy lol. But i like the variation!makes things interesting and unpredictable
i understand what your mate said about members..........the business is just about who you know
Some songs are pretty country in a fucked up way and some are just soaring and grungey like hole etc. Some are just plain messy lol. But i like the variation!makes things interesting and unpredictable
i understand what your mate said about members..........the business is just about who you know
Sounds good. Too bad I'm all the way over here.
Apparently, I can still play bass. Ha!
Good luck with that.
Apparently, I can still play bass. Ha!
Good luck with that.
No internet for a few days. Back soon.