I just want to stop in and rant a bit....
What is the deal with fake gauge earrings?I've been seeing more and more of them and the asshats who make them and sell them. Why don't you assholes just walk around with fake tattoos too while you're at it? If you can't make the commitment, why make the claim?
Argh... so tired of poseurs.
*Forrest Gump waves* Why hello there! Thank you for the welcome! *giggle* I hope you have been well, are getting some sleep and that the orders are coming in so much that you need someone to come over and be your slave! *wink*
I got good news today and had to share it! My set, The Blue Light Special, is now live on Zivity. It has also been entered in the Electric Barbarella contest... so I've got my fingers crossed. Since I had some good news, and some of you have been asking about pics for quite some time now, I had to stop in and share. Go... Read More
Well, my dear, I'm just telling the truth and when it comes to you that is never mild praise unless we're talking about promptly replying to messages. (Needs some work; must try harder next term. Recommend corporal punishment.) That wasn't me just then, I've been hacked. Or something. Yes, hacked, that must be it.)
For all its monosyllabic unpretentiousness, it's a very big thing if you can be described as a 'nice' person, but in your case we can add exciting, and that's definitely the top of the pyramid. You're addictive without the deleterious effects of drugs and the unfortunate nuisance of possible incarceration.
Hello hello
So what's new? Well I've been keeping busy as usual, Have been adding a lot of new things to the garden.. some pretty new flowers, new veggies, new herbs, and a few new fruits as well. (still need to shrink those pics down a tad.. but I'm growing Passion Flower, and I'm growing Blackberries now as well as the Strawberries I've been growing... Read More
I have had some interesting odd jobs in the last several months.. It's a lot of the same work as my last post, I am still working on the Air Force document for example, but I am now also doing some varied map work (like mileages and placing markers and such), I have submitted two magazine articles so far and am waiting for more news... Read More
when i first saw the top picture. I thought "man that looks tasty" thought it was a salad. I might think about your tea. I love tea. My problem though is that i get it and forget about it and then its stale.
Im good though. Rocking out to mostly punk these days though my tastes are still very wide. And im happy for the most part. Mostly healthy. The well sexed part could use some work but im coping lol.
Cool beans, I'm on the front page! (well, yesterday, but I'm happy about it)
I am still working my butt off, mostly. I have been working on a home-made bath gift set sales project I have been wanting to get out for a year or two now, I have been doing a lot of writing, and my photography has helped open some new financial opportunities... Read More
I have been so very out of touch with everything lately, I'm starting to feel like I'm looking out at planet Earth from Mars.
At the rate I've been going lately, I'll wind up forgetting my own birthday.
Some good news for a change... my financial situation is re-stabilizing a bit, haven't had to worry so hard. I will have lots more stuff for sale... Read More
The allure of a pun sweeps all before it, I'm afraid. I do try to be polite, and on this site that sometimes can be satisfyingly unusual and quirky in itself. What a simple way to be an iconoclast; who could ask for more?
You're going to generally pay more attention to things? I wonder if this constitutes a major shift and if you might be asking someone to privately administer corporal punishment as a deterrent in the event of a slip-up. I personally think that's going over the top.
(You see, I have some standards, and thereby made no reference to a colonel of truth anywhere. I hope you're proud of me. Err . . . umm . . never mind)
Okay, so enough sulking and stressing. It solves very little after all. And thank you guys for your sweetness and condolences. It is much appreciated.
I seem to keep getting sick these days. I have always been prone to respiratory illnesses though, and have had pnemonia so many times that when my doctor told me I had pneumonia, I was quite surpirised that I didn't... Read More
Im sorry to hear that you keep getting sick I just am getting over the stomach flu which lasted nearly 2 weeks wit the recovery so i can only imagine getting stuff over and over
This was the first camping trip - elevation was over 8000 ft and we got there just after a hail storm so there was a lot of slush on the ground when we first arrived. I started taking pics the 2nd day we were there, since... Read More
Great pictures! I also am something of a fungus fancier and love pictures of mushrooms, although I don't tend to eat them. That's not to imply that I'm endowing them with sentience, as any local mushroom will attest.
Yaaayyyy! So I just got back from my much needed vacation. It was exectly what I needed, and it all went very well. And I made some new friends while I was on vacation. (no worries, I got plenty of pics to share)
I will have the pics and the details in a real update tomorrow (or maybe even this evening) .... for now, it's... Read More
Ciao girl!