I had dinner with some friends tonight at the Iron Chef Japanese Steak House in Mississauga tonight. Is about the 5th time I have been there since they have recently opened. I can't say enough good things about the place. The food is fantastic, the place itself is very nicely decorated, the staff is friendly and did I mention the food? Also, the prices are...
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I haven't read Pirateology yet ... I'm sure it's great, if the other books are any indication.
I went to bed early last night with a really bad headache. Somewhere along the line I had a long, drawn out dream that I was part of a team that was trying to race down rivers filled with white-water rapids in our cars. There was a bunch of bad guys in SUVs that were chasing us, trying to stop us from reaching the resevoir...
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I want to experience the being young part... without actually being young lol

And I LOVE Anne McCaffrey! I used to read her all the time. My favourite series is the Crystal Singer one. Although I loved the Dragon series too. smile
It's just wrong. SO SO WRONG!
I just spent the last 3 hours playing Dance Dance Revolution with my 14 year old daughter and I am exhausted. I will also hurt alot in the morning, because I am old and out of shape and shouldn't be doing things like, playing games that cause you to do arobic exercise for 3 hours at a time tongue Though, I suppose if we keep it...
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Hell no! I keep doing stupider and stupider things as I age. I shudder to think what I'll be like when I'm 50.
he's really sweet too. i had to catch him off guard just to get a few pictures because he wouldn't stop rubbing up on my leg!

oh, and yay for DDR.
i am lacking so much in the dance department, i can't even play that game. frown
I've been trying out the chatroom here the last few days. It seems very slow and laggy to me. Maybe that's just when I have my webcam turned on, but I can barely type out a full sentence and I have to sit and wait for it to show up. Hard to take part in the conversation when you can't respond to things until 2...
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yeah, that's what flashed in my mind at the time too - the guy trying to catch poor little david is an extremely tall guy too...very fitting
I decided that it was half past high time that I cleaned out some stuff from my downstairs. So I came home today and spent about 2 hours packing things up, putting things away, throwing things out and general cleaning, sweaping and scrubbing and now everything looks nice again (and I can actually use my dining room table as a table instead of a place...
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Thanks! smile
I really hate my camera some days. 36 shots and almost every single one of them was out of focus. I have an auto focus because WHY? *sigh* One day I'm going to get a better camera. I WAS trying to do a Pirate Themed Shoot. Had my puffy shirt, eye patch, bandana, swords and guns all ready. Even had me some Pirate Booty (arr!).....
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Browsing through the "local" people, it seems as though almost everyone in my area is at least 10 years younger than me and hasn't updated their blogs in ages.

This whole getting older thing sucks. I really don't recommend it. Avoid it if you can.
exactly! i think it's about knowing their enjoying themselves.
Can't change age. I always didn't want to get older, but I guess that's just life.
re-evaluation and to consider to even make it this far.

Life is pretty complex and time goes by so quickly.
Well, since I am new to this place I suppose I should post something to get started?

For my birthday this year, my friend got me a membership to SG. I have been a lurker/fan for a few years now and never got around to joining up, but after attending the galla in Toronto a couple of months ago and realizing that I didn't know...
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