Ok, look...

If you friend request me without sending me a message tell me why, you will be denied. I'm not anyone the least bit influential around here, and you don't NEED to know me. If you are a hopeful or a new SG. and you're trying to add to your f-list so that more people will know about your latest set so they can...
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OHAI! I think ur kewl! Go comment on my set!

Hey, why'd you hit the "not for me" button?wink
Is a journal comment too much to ask? I agree with you. Say something. Anything. Show some sign of life.

I am so happy for you two.
Yeah, the two-ish hours from Baltimore to Philly makes it hard to just pick up and say - hey, let's hang out for a day. Especially with how crazy schedules are.

I keep telling myself I'm going to 'do something' to get together with my farther away friends (and even some of my closer ones), but then, the months keep rolling by!

Just watched the bootleg of Dragonball: Evolution on Youtube (apparently someone snuck a camera into the Chinese premiere or something) and i can say without a shadow of a doubt that this movie SUCKS. There is no need for me to guess that it will suck, and now there is no need for me nor any of you on my friends' list to hope to...
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According to IMDB the actress' name is Miracle Laurie. How perfect is that? The kicker is that "Dollhouse" is only her second credit EVER, she was on one episode of "Medical Investigators"s. That's it!

They expected it to be as good as they remember Buffy to be, and they expected it to reach those heights from the first episode. Anything less was unacceptable.
Awwww. smile
are you on facebook?
Ok first, and most important, my wife and i are having a baby! She's three and a half months along right now and things are progressing normally, so YAY! August will be the beginning of something very interesting.

Ok, so you all knew that... but that doesn't make it any less exciting!

Second, i've been very busy doing freelance work. It's very different from any...
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psh fuck parents. take the good and leave the bad. You are going to make fantastic parents as scary and fantastic as it is going to be.
Can I be white uncle jamie?
Someone answer this for me...

I follow politics as you all know, but i really have to wonder what conservatives expect to gain in this country *in their current formation.* Now, maybe i've been seeing slanted reporting, but even footage from CPAC is showing me that the conservative movement in the republican party doesn't bother with facts, only fear.

I've heard Obama referred to as...
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Can there be a balance between a government takeover of a private industry and then turning it back into a solvent and successful corporation? You bet your ass it can happen. This is what the conservatives don't want to think is possible. What's being done now is no different then the creation of Conrail. And in due time Conrail paid back all of it's debt to the government and went back to the private sector. Just as is the plan for the banks that are getting bailed out. Will it be as successful, that remains to be seen, but I certainly hope so. It might finally put a stake in the heart of the idea that trickle down economics work. They don't and never have.
most of the republicans currently in the House are from districts where it is near impossible for a democrat to win. playing to the base got them elected and no matter what they do, as long as it isn't left leaning, they are fine with their electorate. so representatives in the House can say want they and do (well not do) whatever they want because their base is solid and not going anywhere. for the republicans in the Senate, the three that broke and voted for the Stim are from left leaning states. they needed to show they were "Independent" or a democrat would replace them soon. overall, republicans have the current problem that they have no real leader. palin is a joke. the minority whip is an idiot. the minority leader keeps repeating the same thing over and over. to me, he's forgetable. the closet thing they have to a leader is rush limbaugh, who is just insane.
in the republicans' minds, opposing the Stim is easy. if the economy turns around, they can say the Stim didn't do; it was the free market. if the Stim doesn't work, they will say "see, i didn't vote to spend all this money for nothing and put us in more debt." it is too easy for them to do nothing.
the thing i hate the most is when they say, "i like the president, but..." after every but, they go on to bash something he is trying to do (the Stim, health care, the environment, etc.) to me, they are pit bulls and the democrats are pussies. the republicans steer the conversation and the democrats get tangled up in small issues having little to do with the overall agenda. i think the president is doing well, pushing for what he wants to get passed now and not waiting until too close to midterms. he is a much better leader than we've had in a while.
i think the real trouble is going to be when the hearings start concerning the last presidency. there is the real likelihood that people are going to jail over what they did in the past eight years. republicans are trying to paint this as partisan revenge. the democrats have to find a way to convince the american people that these proceedings a necessary, because they ARE. the previous president and his staff broke the law over and over again. they can't be allowed to get away with it. it sets too bad of a example for future leaders. the thought of another bush chills me to the bone.
Well, guess what?
Now that we've heard the heartbeat via doppler today, i can fairly safely say that i'm going to be a daddy in 6 months!


I mean...


eeek biggrin eeek
!!!! congrats!!!!
Baby! Yay!!!!!! biggrin biggrin biggrin kiss
We've all heard it, but have you seen this?

Awe. Some. Sauce.
Total LOLZOR! Can't wait for the many many more to come.
First of all, to President Obama, a message:

Regarding the Republicans and your futile attempts to include them (ZERO Republican votes on the stimulus package, hello?)


Also, this whole bailout thing is just the biggest clusterfuck ever.

Don't give money to the banks, you moron. Give the money to us, the regular people, so we can pay our bills and not be in...
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because they're a bunch of self absorbed cocksuckers....every last one...
Stole this in an attempt to be uplifting and positive...

1. Tell me one thing you like/love about me.

2. Tell me two things you like//love about yourself.


3. Look through the comments. When you see someone you know, go to their journal and tell them three things you like/love about them.

4. IF YOU WANT, YOU STUBBORN PEOPLE: Do this in your journal...
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1. you are awesome to hang out with, wish I saw you more often! Your other half, as well kiss kiss

2. my smile, my life! (I have a pretty damn good one, so I can't stop smiling lately anyway.)
So yeah car accident last thursday night. I have a rental car now. It's HUGE (we wanted a compact, dammit!). Fitting it into the garage was the biggest pain in the ass. I'm so afraid to have it touch ANYTHING, cuz i'm so broke. I couldn't even pay the deposit for the rental, technically, but snce i used my bank card, it was paid and...
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Why so?
Ahh, just read your blog and I understand now. I though I was commenting on your 'status' all facebook style....

Hope it all works out man. Peace. smile