Well, I shall be returning to work after an extended stay at home with the mystery illness. Im sure it was the flu, but I couldnt stay awake long enough to go to my doctor to confirm it. After multiple days of wearing two sweatshirts and burrowing under an electric blanket, I have finally opened the shades (and windows) and have my voice back. In...
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You look like a perfect fit
For a girl in need of a tourniquet
cause I can tell you know what its like
The long farewell of the hunger strike
But can you save me
From the ranks of the freaks
Who suspect they could never love anyone
-Aimee Mann, Save Me
Ive managed to loosen the duct tape and have climbed out of the...
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For a girl in need of a tourniquet
cause I can tell you know what its like
The long farewell of the hunger strike
But can you save me
From the ranks of the freaks
Who suspect they could never love anyone
-Aimee Mann, Save Me
Ive managed to loosen the duct tape and have climbed out of the...
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cheers doll... i have to learn the theme tune now i think! 

Been out of site too eh?
Fortunately, I have been working inside on other projects for them. I'm remodeling the bathrooms as well. They are actually stunning with granite and stainless vanities, and nice stainless partitions with laminated panels.
I bought some sun screen about two weeks ago too...
what about Hong Kong Fooie!
Fortunately, I have been working inside on other projects for them. I'm remodeling the bathrooms as well. They are actually stunning with granite and stainless vanities, and nice stainless partitions with laminated panels.
I bought some sun screen about two weeks ago too...

what about Hong Kong Fooie!

We'll say we didn't know, we didn't even try
one minute there was road beneath us, the next just sky
We can't fight gravity on a planet that insists
that love is like falling and falling is like this
-Ani DiFranco, Falling is Like This
Okay it just took me 20 f*cking minutes to boot up my Suicide Girls update page. I think the web...
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one minute there was road beneath us, the next just sky
We can't fight gravity on a planet that insists
that love is like falling and falling is like this
-Ani DiFranco, Falling is Like This
Okay it just took me 20 f*cking minutes to boot up my Suicide Girls update page. I think the web...
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Hasnt that computer room warmed up yet???
Please return the sugar already!!!

Okay. Im feeling a little confused about my feelings right now and I just need a place to vent.
As I mentioned in my last journal entry, my friendship with Jen has been on the rocks for a few weeks, thanks to her girlfriend, who I will call the puppet master-slash-body-snatcher, since she has turned Jen into a pod person with no brain nor life...
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As I mentioned in my last journal entry, my friendship with Jen has been on the rocks for a few weeks, thanks to her girlfriend, who I will call the puppet master-slash-body-snatcher, since she has turned Jen into a pod person with no brain nor life...
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Hey there - hadn't talked to ya in a while and thought i'd say hello! I'm about to go celebrate some birthday goodness, but i'll have a drink for ya - and hope things are going well! toodles!

what did you end up deciding about your friend?
what did you end up deciding about your friend?
Now the reason were here as man and woman
Is to love each other, take care of each other
Now look at the people in the streets, in the bars
We are all of us in the gutter
But some of us are looking at the stars
-The Pretenders, Message of Love
I have changed my profile pic once again, but at least this time...
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Is to love each other, take care of each other
Now look at the people in the streets, in the bars
We are all of us in the gutter
But some of us are looking at the stars
-The Pretenders, Message of Love
I have changed my profile pic once again, but at least this time...
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i like the new picture. but what are you leaning towards?

Just for you...

Hello to all, and to all a good night. I dedicate this entry to the amazing bonfirecollapse, who basically scraped my drunken, vomiting
ass-clown self
off the floor this weekend after TK here had a little too many. Do not attempt this at home, kids! Here is a forward I received that I found sickly appropriate...
Do you have feelings of inadequacy? Do you...
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Do you have feelings of inadequacy? Do you...
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sweet. sounds like a fun weekend. Tequila is the devil. But maybe the only hard alcohol I can still drink. maybe.
be well
sweet. sounds like a fun weekend. Tequila is the devil. But maybe the only hard alcohol I can still drink. maybe.
be well
Wow... It's been a long time! Tequilla. Like the bad influence friend. It always seems like a good idea....well, you know.
He drifted off into sleep and Janie looked down on him and felt a self-crushing love. So her soul crawled out from its hiding place.
-Zora Neale Hurston, Their Eyes Were Watching God
Well, its almost hump day, and I dont mean that in a sexual way well, not completely
ha ha ha. I have decided to skip Hostel as I dont feel the need...
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-Zora Neale Hurston, Their Eyes Were Watching God
Well, its almost hump day, and I dont mean that in a sexual way well, not completely

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I really have to see Hostel.
X-Men 3 looks interesting! I can't stand to see that one lady on the bad side though.

X-Men 3 looks interesting! I can't stand to see that one lady on the bad side though.
You used to come away easy.
Now it's like seeing the Pope.
-Brokeback Mountain
Well I saw the aforementioned film last night, and here is the summary: a half hour of picturesque Big Sky country shots and lots of sheep running along the mountainside. Lots of baaaa-ing by the sheep. Then a violent sex scene, intense relationship drama, and finally, a hysterically sobbing Terrakotta...
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Now it's like seeing the Pope.
-Brokeback Mountain
Well I saw the aforementioned film last night, and here is the summary: a half hour of picturesque Big Sky country shots and lots of sheep running along the mountainside. Lots of baaaa-ing by the sheep. Then a violent sex scene, intense relationship drama, and finally, a hysterically sobbing Terrakotta...
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yes i would do a chart for you! i need date of birth, time and location. you can find your signature in the stars......
if you don't want to post that info i'm at prophecusp@hotmail.com.................
I want your rough house baby
I want this right in your ear
You let me feel your danger
I let you make this feeling clear here
I want the touch of your charms
The heat of your breath
I wanna say all those things that would be better unsaid
-NIN, Physical
Happy NEW YEAR All! I seem to have lost my zeal to describe...
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I want this right in your ear
You let me feel your danger
I let you make this feeling clear here
I want the touch of your charms
The heat of your breath
I wanna say all those things that would be better unsaid
-NIN, Physical
Happy NEW YEAR All! I seem to have lost my zeal to describe...
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Actually, they paid ME to design that logo. Obviously, i took the money and ran. And it wasn't my grandmother who was trying to make me get girls pregnant, it was my MOTHER. Talk about future therepy sessions.
Yea, the tailbone didn't feel too great...but it happens. it was a good trip. I'll make sure next time, she has me drive her car to New England, so i can visit my favorite SG member...
Good luck with the future bandwiidth!!
Yea, the tailbone didn't feel too great...but it happens. it was a good trip. I'll make sure next time, she has me drive her car to New England, so i can visit my favorite SG member...

Good luck with the future bandwiidth!!
The pirate in me only allows me to steal good rum and pay for cheap stuff. and thanks for the new year wishes, probably the best i have had.

Okay. Heres the definition.
Love is when you cant get someone out of your mind.
When theyre your first thought in the morning
and your last thought at night.
Maybe its not in your heart
but it IS in your head.
So do you think about Becky?
-Don Cheadle, United States of Leland
Hahahaha. Inside jokes abound. Cheadle's character really does say that last line,...
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Love is when you cant get someone out of your mind.
When theyre your first thought in the morning
and your last thought at night.
Maybe its not in your heart
but it IS in your head.
So do you think about Becky?
-Don Cheadle, United States of Leland
Hahahaha. Inside jokes abound. Cheadle's character really does say that last line,...
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Yeah i guess i can agree with that. more so than others. Have a happy new year, may there be plenty more pilaging and partying in 2006.

I'm in for unbridled lust!!! Even bridled lust will suffice.
That mistletoe trick sounds interesting, but doesn't it chafe?

That mistletoe trick sounds interesting, but doesn't it chafe?
Isnt it funny?
When you tug me beside you
I dissolve like a ribbon of snow
Ive folded myself up
like a bird. Ive folded
one wing across one breast,
the other, across the heart.
-Sandra Cisneros, Ame, Amo, Amare
Hello SG journal. I wonder if anyone is even looking at you anymore. I havent been on in ages. Of course, the fact that my...
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When you tug me beside you
I dissolve like a ribbon of snow
Ive folded myself up
like a bird. Ive folded
one wing across one breast,
the other, across the heart.
-Sandra Cisneros, Ame, Amo, Amare
Hello SG journal. I wonder if anyone is even looking at you anymore. I havent been on in ages. Of course, the fact that my...
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Yo girl, anytime someone mentions a Hip Hop mix CD to me, it's practically a challenge to see who's got the better selection. I bet my Old School collection kicks sand in your man's Old School collection. You're gonna have to tell me a few tracks and I'll have something funky in the mail to you within 36 hours.
In the sauna?! I mean, I'm sure you could contract a few there, but WTF?!? Clearly, Coach Numbnuts DOES get paid too much.
My resolution for next year is to have an actual conversation with you.
In the sauna?! I mean, I'm sure you could contract a few there, but WTF?!? Clearly, Coach Numbnuts DOES get paid too much.
My resolution for next year is to have an actual conversation with you.
Bored with SG???
Oh we'll get you off that smack
Oh yes we will!
Cause the smack can lead to crack
Oh yes it can!
(Carl, you know what I'm talking about!)
-Sheldon, Death to Smoochy
I returned the dress and got another one. I can't even go there: it's much too traumatic to discuss. But I thank everyone for their support (no intended play on words there...
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Oh yes we will!
Cause the smack can lead to crack
Oh yes it can!
(Carl, you know what I'm talking about!)
-Sheldon, Death to Smoochy
I returned the dress and got another one. I can't even go there: it's much too traumatic to discuss. But I thank everyone for their support (no intended play on words there...
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Death to Smoochie was a great flick btw
Saturn Eating his children reminds me of a Hamster eating their babies

I love that movie. When Norton references American HIstory X "You Fucked with the wrong Rhino"...awesomness. You gotta love improv.
You have a boyfriend? You've been cheating on me?
I just might have to cut you off. Oh lets be honest, i could never cut you off. You could at least stop calling me "Billy" when we're doing it though.
You have a boyfriend? You've been cheating on me?

ps. what do you mean hal sparks has left the building? i can still see him on here.
[Edited on May 26, 2006 2:47AM]
Hope you feel better.