I finally sold a house....actually, I sold two. Pretty sweet, eh? Sometimes I suppose all the hard work does pay off.
We close on the second one at the end of Sept. Should be a nice paycheck to get me through the winter. Cuz after Oct, I think the Real Estate market kinds dies off for a while. But we'll see.
However, once the fall...
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We close on the second one at the end of Sept. Should be a nice paycheck to get me through the winter. Cuz after Oct, I think the Real Estate market kinds dies off for a while. But we'll see.
However, once the fall...
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I'm baaaack.
I so don't feel like writing a real entry today. But since I haven't updated in a while, I figured I'll throw something up here.
So, are some random updates...life's busy. I miss my dad so so much. holidays were rough. but work is good. I just got back from California. I met Bo Bice...he said I have nice eyes. that fucking rocks.
I so don't feel like writing a real entry today. But since I haven't updated in a while, I figured I'll throw something up here.
So, are some random updates...life's busy. I miss my dad so so much. holidays were rough. but work is good. I just got back from California. I met Bo Bice...he said I have nice eyes. that fucking rocks.
I'm so sorry sweetie.
Mother's Day has made my previous few weeks pretty sad as well. Something about seeing mom's everywhere and knowing mine is gone.
I've missed you so much! I thought you were busy. And, I don't know, I've been a mopey-pants as of late so I've been keeping to myself. When are you available? I'll give you a call and we'll catch up.
Are you coming up this way anytime soon?

Mother's Day has made my previous few weeks pretty sad as well. Something about seeing mom's everywhere and knowing mine is gone.
I've missed you so much! I thought you were busy. And, I don't know, I've been a mopey-pants as of late so I've been keeping to myself. When are you available? I'll give you a call and we'll catch up.
Are you coming up this way anytime soon?
That makes sense...about the eyes, I mean. Even though it's been, like, what, 2 years, since I last saw you, I still remember your eyes as rather striking.
They do rock!
They do rock!
Well, come midnight on New Years Eve, not only is it the start of a new year, but a new life for me. Just one week left and I will officially be out of Philly.
Its strange, because of the way all this came about, my leaving has been kinda uneventful. In one respect, it makes it easier to bypass the hoopla of a big...
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Its strange, because of the way all this came about, my leaving has been kinda uneventful. In one respect, it makes it easier to bypass the hoopla of a big...
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good luck!

Heard you were coming to our party?

I'm moving....
Its official, after 11 long years....I'm leaving Philly.
I've tried to get in touch with some of you. Afterall, I only felt it right to tell my good friends in person. But with everything going on, its been tough.
To those that I haven't been in better touch with over the last few months, I'm sorry and I miss you lots. Life is...
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Its official, after 11 long years....I'm leaving Philly.
I've tried to get in touch with some of you. Afterall, I only felt it right to tell my good friends in person. But with everything going on, its been tough.
To those that I haven't been in better touch with over the last few months, I'm sorry and I miss you lots. Life is...
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i'm glad you feel good about your decision! it's great and bittersweet how life just gives and takes. GOOD LUCK!!!!!

Oh, man. I'm really happy for you that you've found something that inspires you. That is valuable - it's really priceless.
When are you moving? Are you still in town?
Sorry for this being last minute but myself, Grimjack, Aponia, Gadget(?), others(?) are getting together Thursday around 7PM or so for a little drink, some food and some low-key holiday de-stressing. Place as yet to be determined....
Interested? We won't be out late. Now that I'm 30 and old (sshhh!) I'd like to be home by 10 or 11.

When are you moving? Are you still in town?
Sorry for this being last minute but myself, Grimjack, Aponia, Gadget(?), others(?) are getting together Thursday around 7PM or so for a little drink, some food and some low-key holiday de-stressing. Place as yet to be determined....
Interested? We won't be out late. Now that I'm 30 and old (sshhh!) I'd like to be home by 10 or 11.
I am so so sad to say...after a 4 1/2 month intense battle against complications and infections after a massive brain hemmorhage, my father passed away
As many of you know, I have been in VA at his side since the day it happened. It has been an incredibly difficult few months for my family. We've watched my dad suffer far too many indignities and...
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As many of you know, I have been in VA at his side since the day it happened. It has been an incredibly difficult few months for my family. We've watched my dad suffer far too many indignities and...
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<in my best waitstaff singing voice> happy happy birthday, happy happy birthday; it's your birthday, happy happy birthday!!!
AKA the birthday stalker
my condolences...i lost my mom a year ago september. i know how hard it is.


AKA the birthday stalker

my condolences...i lost my mom a year ago september. i know how hard it is.
it's so unfair!
this shit sucks!
i hope you're ok.

i hope you're ok.
well, its been quite some time since I've given an update.
First, I want to thank all of you that left me comments. I can't tell you how wonderful it was to log on and to see so many familar and unfamilar faces giving their concern and support.
Its now been just over 11 1/2 weeks since my dad had his brain hemmorrhage. And, he's...
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First, I want to thank all of you that left me comments. I can't tell you how wonderful it was to log on and to see so many familar and unfamilar faces giving their concern and support.
Its now been just over 11 1/2 weeks since my dad had his brain hemmorrhage. And, he's...
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hey sweetie, thanks for the updates. i'm sorry we never hooked up that weekend in VA..i ended up having a 48 hour migrane and we didn't go anywhere. please call me soon...i miss you too!
hey, how's everything going? how are you?
yeah, I know...long time no talk.
just been busy with a lot. a lot has been going on these days with me. but its all mostly good. so that works, right? I know, that's vague. But do I really want to reveal my intermost thoughts online for all to see? nahhhhh....
I think I'm having a weird mis-understanding with a friend. unfortunately, we communicate...
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just been busy with a lot. a lot has been going on these days with me. but its all mostly good. so that works, right? I know, that's vague. But do I really want to reveal my intermost thoughts online for all to see? nahhhhh....
I think I'm having a weird mis-understanding with a friend. unfortunately, we communicate...
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quick update...busy week. work is pissing me off. I'm having one of those weeks where everything and everyone is on my last nerve.
but, just 2 more days til I leave for Chicago for three short days, and then the party shall begin....
but, just 2 more days til I leave for Chicago for three short days, and then the party shall begin....
Deadwood is good. It takes a few episodes before you really get into it, but i'm definately into it now. Carnivale is still my favorite, but Deadwood is definately a near second.
Look at you and the new sexy profile pic. Ooh la la!!!!
I'd ask if you were going to Rob and Reg's this Friday but your leaving that date...right?
Look at you and the new sexy profile pic. Ooh la la!!!!
I'd ask if you were going to Rob and Reg's this Friday but your leaving that date...right?
Have an awesome time in Chicago sexy lady!
Oh..I forgot to ask...how did your date go?
Oh..I forgot to ask...how did your date go?
extra stuff
me n da stars
Ahh, its Monday yet again. And the beginnnig of another crazy week.
I went to the fair in Bloomsburg, PA this past weekend with a group of friends. We ate too much, spent too much money and walked away happy...just as a weekend at the fair should be
Next Saturday, one of my best friends is getting married to her soul mate. And, I get...
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I went to the fair in Bloomsburg, PA this past weekend with a group of friends. We ate too much, spent too much money and walked away happy...just as a weekend at the fair should be

Next Saturday, one of my best friends is getting married to her soul mate. And, I get...
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Tee hee...I like what you said about men. I TOTALLY agree! Yarn...knitting needles....I don't hear no fuss from them! A dog....no fuss.....boys...its all wah wah wah drama drama drama hump hump hump.
It's like...EW!
Yes...we need to knit. I'm so over my knitting circle, I've been dying to find new people to knit with...yay!!!! Although I'm just warning you....I swear a lot while doing the fiberly arts!
It's like...EW!
Yes...we need to knit. I'm so over my knitting circle, I've been dying to find new people to knit with...yay!!!! Although I'm just warning you....I swear a lot while doing the fiberly arts!

Hey, wow, it's so great to be back. I go away for a month, try to get my life together, log back on to SG, and find that synflower has reduced my entire gender to a 5-item power-point presentation stereotype.....yay!
Miss me?
For the record....I agree w/ you whole-heartedly. I, too, oly want one thing in life:
Wait....why are you looking at me that way? Were you thinking of something else?

Miss me?
For the record....I agree w/ you whole-heartedly. I, too, oly want one thing in life:
Wait....why are you looking at me that way? Were you thinking of something else?

Fuck Caroline and Kansas City sucks!
I'm outta the suicide pool. And its only week 2! grrrr....damn football teams. And Carolina were the ones that pushed me out last season too. I'm so so bummed. That means no more betting this season. Oh well, guess its back to just watching for fun. I suppose there's less pressure that way, right?
speaking of pressure, I'm hoping...
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I'm outta the suicide pool. And its only week 2! grrrr....damn football teams. And Carolina were the ones that pushed me out last season too. I'm so so bummed. That means no more betting this season. Oh well, guess its back to just watching for fun. I suppose there's less pressure that way, right?
speaking of pressure, I'm hoping...
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Congratulations on the sale.