End of the year blahs.
*Post edited to cover up the stupid gif from the site that I can't apparently figure out how to use since the stupid thing changed. Yes, what a totally useless waste of space this post is now.
**Post double edited to add: fuck-o.
***Post triple edited to add: OK, meez, try to work properly instead of wonking out and then...
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*Post edited to cover up the stupid gif from the site that I can't apparently figure out how to use since the stupid thing changed. Yes, what a totally useless waste of space this post is now.
**Post double edited to add: fuck-o.
***Post triple edited to add: OK, meez, try to work properly instead of wonking out and then...
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So, it's late. Merry Chirstmas.
2006 Top Five Songs
(as chosen by my shuffling prognosticating iPod)
5. 'Beauty Fades' - Caitlin Cary
When there's nothing left to say
in the dimming of the day
Will you still be the one
When beauty fades away?
Trixel and I have talked and joked about growing older...hell, we are older, so it's good to know we'll do it...
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2006 Top Five Songs
(as chosen by my shuffling prognosticating iPod)
5. 'Beauty Fades' - Caitlin Cary
When there's nothing left to say
in the dimming of the day
Will you still be the one
When beauty fades away?
Trixel and I have talked and joked about growing older...hell, we are older, so it's good to know we'll do it...
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What, no "Carol of the Bells?"
Happy Christmas and such.
Happy Christmas and such.

Buck up, little camper.

So, I could mention I've been feeling rundown and on the verge of getting sick all week. And that I threw my back out somehow and am in varying stages of stooping over. But it's the holidays, so I won't.
Instead, I'll start counting down the top ten most played songs by Ippy, my iPod. I keep it almost entirely in shuffle and the little...
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Instead, I'll start counting down the top ten most played songs by Ippy, my iPod. I keep it almost entirely in shuffle and the little...
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feel better!
and now because i'm lame and need to get my bearings before really catching up with peeps...
holiday greetings!
sorry for the cookie cutterness but i'll get back for real later...like when my mom isn't here and i don't have to work tomorrow early...
hope you unwrap sweet delights this holdiay season...
and now because i'm lame and need to get my bearings before really catching up with peeps...
holiday greetings!
sorry for the cookie cutterness but i'll get back for real later...like when my mom isn't here and i don't have to work tomorrow early...
hope you unwrap sweet delights this holdiay season...
and start the new year off with a playful, colorful bang...
or at least a pop...
but whatever you do don't shoot your eye out!
happy holidays!
With that kind of insight and ability to predict your moods, perhaps you should also ask your Ipod to open the pod bay doors.

So, Escondido went well, had a nice conversation with my niece. She seems to have grown up a little bit, which is good.
Came back yesterday for the SGLA ScrewOff Gift Exchange. Much fun was had by all. The gift I originally chose was a keyboard, but I was screwedoff'd for it. I then received a 'Tits and Ash' ashtray directly from Amsterdam. However much...
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Came back yesterday for the SGLA ScrewOff Gift Exchange. Much fun was had by all. The gift I originally chose was a keyboard, but I was screwedoff'd for it. I then received a 'Tits and Ash' ashtray directly from Amsterdam. However much...
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I don't believe there has ever been a non-surreal time there.
Money was probably the best gift in that whole stash. Next to the damn champagne in the ammo box. Fuck, that ammo box was sweet!
And FUCK I missed Jumbo's!
And FUCK I missed Jumbo's!
So, headed to Escondido tomorrow for extended family pre-Christmas. Picking up my niece on the way in Azusa. She just started going to college at AP. She's had more than her fair share of problems to overcome growing up, so It will be interesting to catch up with her as I haven't talked to her as an adult, well, ever probably.
I've been insomnia'd as...
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I've been insomnia'd as...
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it was an enjoyable conversation. hope you remember some of it. 

So, I'm going to try to finish writing a new feature script before New Years... said the man who got up at 3pm and is currently residing in his underpants in front of the computer playing freecell.

I love you.

So, spent the weekend working on a music video shoot for The Radioactive Chickenheads. The band wears foam rubber chicken heads (though the lead singer is a carrot and his girlfriend is a tomato.) Check them out here: http://www.radioactivechickenheads.com/.
Should be a fun video. I hope so, as it was 14 hours on Saturday and 9 hours on Sunday up at a farm in Acton....
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Should be a fun video. I hope so, as it was 14 hours on Saturday and 9 hours on Sunday up at a farm in Acton....
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I got a parcel from our sistah.

I got a parcel from our sistah.

Today's post brought to you for no discernable reason in the style of Paul Harvey.
Hello SG'ers...this is Surly. And this is the rest of the story for the last month... news you might have missed.
Thanksgiving. A time for gathering family, children, perhaps even the pets of those children. Dogs. God, spelled backwards if you will--with an 'S'. And if those two dogs have...
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Hello SG'ers...this is Surly. And this is the rest of the story for the last month... news you might have missed.
Thanksgiving. A time for gathering family, children, perhaps even the pets of those children. Dogs. God, spelled backwards if you will--with an 'S'. And if those two dogs have...
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I dig that paul harvey.
We need to post something in spookshow. I think it's approaching that point where it gets deleted. I've been thinking about a suitable topic with very little success.
i know just what you mean. i still dont feel like a grown up.. i feel like i should still be concidered one of the kids.
Beautifully written and the photos are beautiful too. I'd let you sit at the 'adult table' at my house.
I'm glad you had such a nice time. It's always good to get away and get a change of scenery once in awhile.

you know i love the eeyore.
i sense a change of residence for one of you two.
i sense a change of residence for one of you two.
OMG me and Esther look so Cheesy!

So, got back from Kauai today. We scattered my father's ashes near Nawiliwili Harbor. There's an old lighthouse that was built the same year my dad was born. He thought it would be a great resting place. My Mum took one of the golf balls out of his golf bag and wrote all our names on it and tossed it in too. Then we each...
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I'm sad and happy for you all at once.
Renew account? Check. Write first journal since September? It's coming still.
I woke up 45 minutes ago and I can't sleep. I think I will call in to work. Maybe I'll write a journal later after I get some sleep.
<insert puckered monkey mouth> Hooooooooo! <resist sucky face>

I woke up 45 minutes ago and I can't sleep. I think I will call in to work. Maybe I'll write a journal later after I get some sleep.
<insert puckered monkey mouth> Hooooooooo! <resist sucky face>
awwwwwwww that's adorable.
hmmmm i suppose those history channel specials could be horrifying. but if you're into the supernatural supposedly halloween is a day where the connection to the other side is stronger than at other points during the year
yeah you were right. as soon as i could find time to go to an SGNC thing i met a ton of cool awesome people. hooray for SG. and congrats on meeting your fiancee here. that's awesome
i have to get netflix. i don't have cable and i'm stuck wtih only CBS and ABC
no law and order. it's killing me.
i'm always on the scout for horror movies that have a little more behind them than cornsyrup and foam. though corn syrup and foam can be good. especially when added to bad acting for laughs. the indie film i work on forever ago sure was a cornsyrupy craptacular laugh out loud (but shouldn't have been laughing after all it was premiere) good time
hmmmm i suppose those history channel specials could be horrifying. but if you're into the supernatural supposedly halloween is a day where the connection to the other side is stronger than at other points during the year

yeah you were right. as soon as i could find time to go to an SGNC thing i met a ton of cool awesome people. hooray for SG. and congrats on meeting your fiancee here. that's awesome

i have to get netflix. i don't have cable and i'm stuck wtih only CBS and ABC

no law and order. it's killing me.

i'm always on the scout for horror movies that have a little more behind them than cornsyrup and foam. though corn syrup and foam can be good. especially when added to bad acting for laughs. the indie film i work on forever ago sure was a cornsyrupy craptacular laugh out loud (but shouldn't have been laughing after all it was premiere) good time

what's the latest on the script?
I 'm, sure she had the best intentions when she said it. Everyone deals with death differently, but if you tell me that its a "beautiful thing" and I respectuflly disagree don't try to get me to see your point of view.
Anyways thank you for your condolences.