There are tons of very overripe, sweet blackberries where I work. Only problem is- I had a baaaad virus last Sunday-Monday and vomited many, many blackberries multiple times (it seemed like much more was coming up than went down originally), so I'm kinda sticking with the raspberries now. On the plus side, I could maybe get you free overripe blackberries... seems like you got some already. They are growing all over around this town.
They do look pretty good. Must... go... find... some... vitamin... C.
I went out for dinner tonight. Sat and ate and read and thought. Can I really read and think at the same time? No. Maybe I just stared at the words and pretended I was reading while I thought.

I was thinking about where I've just come from and where I am now. Materialistically speaking. I've come from a 3 bedroom house w/huge front and...
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I hate myself and I want to die. Actually, I hate myself and I want Oasis Moving & Storage to die. Well, I don't even really hate myself either.

So they packed and moved my shit from Phoenix AZ to my new apartment here in Vancouver. They did almost $5,000 worth of damage. Ok. No sweat. I filed a claim. Ugh. Got the response letter...
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Curse idiot moving firms, and curse their small print too. I hate bozos like that.
What a kind and generous offer. You can have my car keys and passport too while you're at it wink
I read in the newspaper today that there used to be a statue of Fidel Castro in the middle of a large gravel pit in the men's room in a bar in the Hoyt Hotel in Portland. If you hit it while you were peeing, a red light would flash outside the bar and as you exited the crowd would applaud.

NOW I have penis...
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You have anything like that in your town after the cold war?
That sounds so silly. Why, if you went through the difficulty of hooking up a peeing-aiming device, would you wanna make the target Fidel Castro? I suppose he's guilty of killing n torturing some people.... but I mean I'd rather pee at something funn.

ps- Oh, do you get to Portland much? I would like that. I work a bunch the next couple days; have some Friday plans; nothing much else yet.
My mother is now to the point where she needs...supervision. She's only 55 and her mental state has deteriorated to the point that she is incapable of carrying on a rational conversation. We haven't had a "conversation" in years, but she is now filled with depression to the point of being incoherent.

My sister and I talk a lot now about mom. We try to...
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Yeah, when I moved here (from VA) I didn't bring too many big books... but I did keep my Taschen Japanese Prints book. I'm also lucky enough to have gone to the Freer Gallery for a long look with rollerdisco before I left town, and the Museum of Fine Arts Boston last year.
I like a lot of diff kinds of art; It was on my Boston/ Portland ME trip that I really fell for some African art, especially here; best $5 I've spent.
Thank you for the comment on the photograph. I took that last year outside a friend's salon in Brooklyn.

The entry above about your mother sounds quite sad. A lot of the time this sort of thing happening in real life seems to escape so much verbal detail. It sounds like a short story by Dorothy Parker. She (your mother) seems awful young for such unconditional stress, too, but still old enough for this to be a spiraling problem a little tougher than if it were happening to a younger person. Hopefully she'll keep her appointments?
Jesus CHRIST! What's with the unusually large number of people who's pics are w/them and a gun? Is it the "suicide" aspect of this site? You people realize your unstable and demented personality rings through in these pics, right?

I am SO gonna get shot, aren't I?

Superflashgo wonders again....wft am I doing on this site?
chuckles. Some of us are enjoying u here. I like the new pic too.
Oh man. I had a continual stream of stressful nightmares last night that seemed to come from nowhere. I don't even know where to start...

I had hurt my koochie somehow and was splashing huge deadly gobs of purplish blood everywhere. I got in the bathtub to try and stop the bleeding and watched the water turn red. I was on the phone w/my mom...
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So I watered my patio plants this Sunday and inadvertently gave my downstairs neighbor and his paper an unexpected shower. He was pretty upset...and wet.

Now, I don't usually apologize for stuff. What am I gonna say anyway? "I'm sorry you are such a crotchety old baby?" But I thought I'd try and make it better.

So I went downstairs today and knocked on his...
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Ok so I've never done a beer tasting before and I don't even know what hops, malt, etc taste like. I've never tried to taste salt, fruit or soap in a beer so I felt very overwhelmed with the responsibility entrusted to me to taste this, one of the last bottles of the first batch of Bull Run Brewing's IPA. Drama? Maybe! But I wanted...
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beer tastes the same to me...I dont like it. I am dying to do a wine tasting ala sideways.
And another thing! I would TOTALLY drink myself to sleep tonight if this damned kidney infection wasn't trying to kill me.