Sooooooo TIRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

my internet connection sucks ASS about 1/2 of the time.

We're putting in hardwood floors in the family room next week because dogs+kids=dirty carpets

have I mentioned that my job is really fucking stressful.

I'm getting super big preggo now!

My hubby got me a new digital camera b/c my old one was stolen. So maybe I will put up a belly pic....
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I wish it would go by faster....smile
I had cancelled my credit card because I lost it a few months ago and apparently that was the one my Sg stuff was on. Of course they sent like a million e-mails saying they didn't have the right info. But do I care...no, not really...I wait for my membership to be cancelled. And then I was like, oh who cares about SG anyway. I'm...
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I'm glad to see you back! I wondered what happened to you.

I've been getting my kids ready for school. First day tomorow! HOORAY!

My middle is having his first day of preschool! He is so excited! biggrin
glad you are back kiss
so I haven't worked in almost a week and am starting to feel better. I think I might have to cut down to 2 nights/week especially if it stays as busy as it has been.

We FINALLY close on the old house today at 3:30. YIPPPEEEE!!! One mortgage. No more worries about 2 houses or selling it or any of that. THANK GOD!!!! I am...
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Awww sorry to hear about the kitten, thats hard.

Congrats on the house closing though, it will definately be great to focus on just one place of residence.

the whole granparent name things has a big long story behind it but in essence

1. I can't bring myslef to call an adult human Nana or Papa or whatever
2. the boyfriend is an unrealiable self centered ass who doe not deserve any sort of honorary title.
Of course you must stay!!! Hi honey, how have you been? Stressed from what I read frown . So when are you due? And the hair is just bangs...which I have not had since I was in highschool about a million years ago frown I'm olllld!!! And yes appartently my warranty has expired and parts are just failing left and right....first the teeth then the nose....I'm sure the ears won't be far behind. At least then I will have a legitimate reason to ignore people biggrin Yeah it looked like someone stood over me and dropped a concrete block on MY FACE!!! But I can breath now and it is WAY cuter biggrin I am sooooo sorry about the kitty. frown That happened to me before. BUT let me share some professional advice with you...now that this has happened you should not have another cat around the dogs frown I'm sorry. I worked as a Vet Tech for 2 yrs and they say that once something like this has occurred the chances of it happening again are VERY likely. Well touch base with me and let me know what else has been going on and I saw the new Josie pics and she is just a doll. I will have to put up some new Kaya pics soon!!! kiss kiss kiss kiss
was supposed to have my ultrasound yesterday....but ended up at the hospital instead because I spent too many days in the hospital working...so i was cramping/contracting....not good at 25 weeks. I worked 5 out 6 days, and it was really busy and stressful. Now I have to work tonight and tomorrow night, but then I"m off the weekend. I probably should call off for tonight,...
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Yep we made it too the zoo, walking around with him listening to him make animal noises is just ridiculously cute

I always figure I can't complain if stuff isn't done around the house etc if I can't do it myself when I am watching him. So I go crazy.

Lots of stress and lack of sleep is not a good thing at the best of times, much less while pregnant, take it easy this weekend sounds like you need it for sure.

We had few days of wondering this month if we had a second one on the way, turns out we don't but it made me relize excatly how much work I have to get done on the house before that can happen.

So I was telling the hubby about the trend of people naming girls Nevaeh, which is heaven spelled backwards. And he jokingly said we could name her hell spelled backwards and I said we can't call her Lleh then he said what about Sedah (which would be hades, for those of you who are a little slow) And although I don't want my daughter named...
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I think it sounds cool as hell, my wife and I were talking about names this week for the next baby (not iminent, well at least not that we know of) if it's a girl it is going to be coleen, common but it is the name of my wifes sister that died shortly after birth

if we have another boy we were thinking about Duncan

We aren't officially trying yet, another couple months, we are at the point where if it happes now it would be ok, so we aren't really worrying about it.

Our son's name is Connor so we figured we would stick with a theme

I could have both McClouds
We can't agree on baby names! Anyone have any ideas??

my job is hard. i have to think lots. on very little sleep. not easy.

i bought these little fruit sorbet things at costco last week. they come in fruit shells. like the coconut sorbet is frozen in a coconut shell, the pineapple in a pineapple, etc. they are yummy. I just ate pina colada....
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a lil girl named jake could be cool wink
the sonogram went well...I am nine weeks.....so 11 more weeks and I can have another sonogram...we cant wait!!!

name ideas......Ella, Isabelle, Sophia, Sophie, Maggie.....Megan has a nice ring wink

Talk to you soon kiss
You know we'll watch the J monster anytime you guys want to go to a movie...

Names that are good, but maybe too trendy nowadays... Madeline, Sophia, Isabella, Caitlyn, Alexandra... how cute is a girl name Alex?
soooooooooo STRESSED OUT!!!!!!!!! I want to crawl in a hole and die.

in other news I finished Harry Potter, Good book, I liked it...even though I didn't like what happened. But of course i can't wait for the next one.

I STILL haven't seen Charlie & the chocolate factory. I'm dying to but we ask my mother in law to babysit ALL the time so...
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Ah ha, I was right :-)

I finished the harry potter book last week or so i think, I enojoyed it but some parts were a bit of a letdown.

I had a drink for you on my birthday, thanks much.

I used up some of my babysitting calls last month for both batman and the fanatastic 4, I just had to see them.
We will be in Lake Mary at my Aunt's, and Valrico at my sister in law's. They are both about 45 minutes from Orlando.

We leave on Monday night in the evening so the kids can sleep while we drive as far as we can manage. Stay in a hotel, then drive Tuesday and stay in a hotel that night and we should arrive in FL sometime on Wednesday.

Our days are so packed with family visits and my cousin's wedding. Otherwise I'd say we should meet!


Finally a computer again! Its been hard roughing it...no cable, no computer for a week+. wink

We are pretty much moved in to the new house and just trying to get the old house cleaned up and listed. We still have lots of boxes everywhere, but things are getting better slowly. I love my pool. We go in at night mostly, after the baby...
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Wlcome back it's been too long.
I think it's a girl, I need to get some girl karma going for when this winter when we start trying again.

I used to commute over an hour it definately gets to be a grind, it did however turn me into the talk radio junkie I am today

Headed up to the adironacks, I am definately a mountains person.

I have driven through harrisburg many many times. I don't know that I have stopped for anything but gas.

I am definately hoping for a girl the next time around, of course I want that perfect set of one of each.
we now have 2 houses in COMPLETE CHAOS!!

I am on call tonight, which basically means I was supposed to work but we have no one in labor, so I have to sit by the phone all night in case something comes up and they need me. I get paid 1 hr for every 3 I am on call. I don't mind though because I...
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good luck getting everything settled!
and blessings on your new beginning!
moving into a new house is awesome. like a new beginning.

all the work asssociated with moving out of an old house SUCKS!

especially when you don't get to sleep.

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzso tiredzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

tomorrow night is the first night we will sleep in the new house.

Our cable, and therefore internet, will not be hooked up until NEXT thursday. grrrrrrrrr.......so if I'm not around, thats why!...
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A few unfun things:
the movers left the shelves
one of the movers lost a diamond earring a my house in case you get a call.... if not let me know who you used and I'll get it to them
a piece of the corner piece is lying on my floor.... some wood glue should repair it

Maybe a fun thing.... we're going to see "Superman" at Popcorn Flicks next Thursday. Devin and Lily (and possibly the 3 kids she's nannying.... is that a word) will probably be there. Do you guys want to go? If Josie gets fussy, we can always walk her down Park Ave.

We're going to Gainesville for the weekend, but let me know if you need any help before or after.

Happy first night in the new house!
Yes, haiku is contaigious, isn't it!

Here's what my nine year old girl wrote:

You're a dove to me
You bring a sparkle in my eyes
Will you marry me?

How cute is that? She wouldn't tell me if it was about any one in particular. Secret crush, perhapse? She's sweet.

How are you settling into your new house? Does Josie like it?
Its 1 am and I'm wide awake. I slept til 4 today. i almost never do that but I had 5 days of very little sleep, so I REALLY needed it. It feels good to not be at work tonight, but I need to go to sleep because the little one will be up bright and early. i'm just not tired, though.

I am supposed...
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Did you want me to make the watermelon thing or anything else for zee par-tee? If you didn't want to do regular potato salad, you could do red potatoes with fresh dill and olive oil and a litte bit of onion..... I'm getting hungry!

Anyways, just let me know if you need us to make anything. Otherwise, we'll probably be there around noon to decorate. Sound good?

Hope you don't have to work tonight!
I guess we expect our fathers to do nothing but coo about grandkids, especially since they don't have to do any of the bleh stuff like changing diapers, dealing with attitude or discpline. But yeah. they were unattentive as dads, so why bother changing now? I guess I'm more surprised that Cindy and Florence didn't kick them in the butts.

Good party yesterday! It was nice that so many people could make it out! And Josie made out like a bandit! I'm pretty sure that's how it will be for her for many, many years. You know how we like to spoil those youngsters!

So do I need to have the furniture ready on Wednesday? I didn't get my speech done because Andrew kept laughing at me. He was a little punchy I guess. We went on our first date a year ago.... my how time flies!

Tonight will be my 3rd shift in a row. Its soo exhausting. Actually, I suppose I could say my 5th. I did 2 off for one and then 3. Everyone wanted off on the 4th and I am the lowest on the totem pole. I slept for 3 hours this morning but then Josie was SCREAMING for like an hour and I woke up....
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my boy has been teething (again) and not sleeping very well at all,
Happy birthday to Josie, I have such great pictures from my sons 1st.

sleep deprivation is a constant, you get quite used to it
Happy Birthday to you both!!!

And you do get used to the new sleeping pattern. You just have to try to get them to nap at the same time and nap with them in those early months/years. You will adjust. Also you and your husband can alternate letting eachother sleep in when you can.

When I had my first nights sleep alone in 9 years I kept waking up anyway!