- on trevor's photo
- on gargoyle23's page
- on Butts sitting pretty in ass appreciation
- on Penny Dreadful. in Television
- on pureevull's blog post
- on gargoyle23's photo
1. No cruelty allowed towards defenseless creatures like animals and children.
2. No wasting of food, whether that's through recycling, portion reform, better storage techniques, etc. No viable food that someone could eat can be thrown out.
3. Hockey would be the new national sport of the United States 😆
But seriously, rest in peace to the one and only, the legend, Mr. Hockey, Gordie
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This week's @bloghomework from the lovely @missy, @rambo, and @lyxzen asks us to describe our favorite beverages. Like many others, I can narrow it down to my top five.
5. Diet coke. That sinister delicious bubbliness. I don't drink a lot of it anymore because of the carbonation and bloat factor but when I want to be really bad, I'll drink Diet Coke. However! It...
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I might have gotten a little carried away before I went to school
Guy stays occasionally with a younger, pretty, non-American girl. Reservation is under her name, credit card in her name, he pays cash, he leaves every night around 11:00pm.
Guess what?
You aren't fucking fooling anyone!
My slight amusement for the night.
Until I blast off to Seattle for 3 days. While the whole trip is for us to get more tattoos from Derek Noble, I want to eat and drink well while I'm up there.
Plans are to hit up: Unicorn bar in Capitol Hill, Optimism brewing, Uli's for currywerst and such over at Pike, and we were told to go to Ivar's and/or Ivan's (might...
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