- on soraleia's photo
- on silly selfies in silliness
- on Detroit Red Wings Thread in ice hockey
- on OC Meet Ups/Events in SG California
- on thekarmaguy's post on soraleia's page
- on silly selfies in silliness
When I was a kid, I wanted to be an actress. I always loved dressing up, playing pretend, making up stories, and of course, getting the attention. Of course I gravitate towards fictional characters and their worlds!
1. Wicked/Black Lady from Sailor Moon. She is the grown up form of Mini Moon and all her negative feelings. She felt unloved and abandoned and became twisted.
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I dreamt I went pink but it as based on how many people recommended you and then you had to log in and defend your reason. Every girl had a meter bar on their page that showed how close they were to going pink.
I really should be focusing on homework...
Don't get me wrong; I love the warmth and long days of summer but the crowds by my work are slowly dispersing and we are drawing closer and closer to.....HALLOWEEN!!
I've always loved the fall (Halloween) season. Dressing up in costumes was my favorite thing as a kid and pretty much remains so in my adult life, I just find ways to make it work
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If I ever had the money, I would surely hire myself a paramedic to have on staff at all times. I'm insanely talented at hurting myself in the most mundane situations.
When I was 19, I was driving down to my ex's house in San Diego. He says to me over the phone "pick up some crackers that you would eat." I'm pissed because I'm...
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Joke's on that trogladyte, I think horses are majestic as fuck.
Why can't people just get a life and stop putting others down?!
This week @rambo and @missy asked what three things we think all peoples of the world should know.
1. Learn to drive a stick shift. I really wish I was initially taught because it has been so hard to pick up as an adult learner, in my dad's Corvette no less. You just never know when you might be stuck in someone else's car, for...
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