Hello there ladies and gentlemen
Someone has given me a gift account but stayed unknown who was it admit it i have a hug for you lol
Its 1 am here so i'm gonna have a quick word and say woooo im back will have to catch up with people and nothing much has changed still working wtill paranoid weirdo and single for past while...
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Someone has given me a gift account but stayed unknown who was it admit it i have a hug for you lol
Its 1 am here so i'm gonna have a quick word and say woooo im back will have to catch up with people and nothing much has changed still working wtill paranoid weirdo and single for past while...
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Wasnt ME!!!!
God i need to update more often or atleast be around more often but then again latley im getting the feeling no one cares so prob wouldnt matter lol
I'v been busy working my 2 jobs so nackered again and next week my 3rd job asked me to help out with security of the fireworks festival here so should be fun lol.
Ive spent last...
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I'v been busy working my 2 jobs so nackered again and next week my 3rd job asked me to help out with security of the fireworks festival here so should be fun lol.
Ive spent last...
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Just give ole' Pauly a slap. We'll all be amused by it. 



sorry everyone been really busy with work and life and hanging with the girls (unbelivable how much fun it is
will update properly soon i promise in some news i worked the security of a small festival near here so yay lol oh and almost got knifed on my bday the other week lucky me eh lol
hope your all well

will update properly soon i promise in some news i worked the security of a small festival near here so yay lol oh and almost got knifed on my bday the other week lucky me eh lol
hope your all well

jeez at least you have alot of stories and that you have been busy...but ah yah what a great bday present

You pimp, you.
Short post bigger one later when more time
1. nackared from work
2. bored
3. fed up
more later lol with normal post
1. nackared from work
2. bored
3. fed up
more later lol with normal post
Lol, i use lovehoney all the time
I just think it'd be ace to work in a sex shop
and I have the cleavage and mindset for it lol

I just think it'd be ace to work in a sex shop

Oh, u maybe dont have my new addy lol.
I dont have the internet yet (im leeching from an unprotected network at the moment lol)
But I'll be on more often when I get the net myself
aoki_wow @ hotmail. co.uk
I dont have the internet yet (im leeching from an unprotected network at the moment lol)
But I'll be on more often when I get the net myself
aoki_wow @ hotmail. co.uk

Hallo there everybody
First off i have put off getting a piecing or tattoo till after i have found a new job
Yes thats right i havent left or been fired i just think it is time to move one
I hope i can find something new soon wish me luck
also tomorrow i'm going to see Wanted it took awhile but im finally going...
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First off i have put off getting a piecing or tattoo till after i have found a new job
Yes thats right i havent left or been fired i just think it is time to move one
I hope i can find something new soon wish me luck
also tomorrow i'm going to see Wanted it took awhile but im finally going...
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Best of luck, mate.

Aww thank you love. . .big hugs sent back to you!
enough of this talk of drinking and sex and stripper even if it was one hell of a week now back to seriouse matters im thinking when i get paid next week shall i get additions to my tattoo or get a new piercing. and if so which bit to get pierced hmmmmm ideas people i need them hope some are good and some funny...
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So after the last post about not drinking so much i've just spend 5 days of my week off in the bar and i mean in the bar 3 nights from opening til closing ie 4pm - 3am , 1 night 4pm - 6am damn lock in lol there was me at 3am saying goodbye to the bar staff but nooooo they had to say...
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So...didn't last long, eh?

Just a quick message to say im gonna have to stop drinking at the end of this month
I belive im drinking to much like when im bored (which is alot) or when i have free time (which is alot) or at someone house (well you get the idea lol)
I relised that this morning while having a shower i almost dropped my bud so...
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I belive im drinking to much like when im bored (which is alot) or when i have free time (which is alot) or at someone house (well you get the idea lol)
I relised that this morning while having a shower i almost dropped my bud so...
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Well, best of luck to ya, man.
I probably shouldn't mention I was watching Shaun of the Dead last night, and I've decided if I ever make it to England, I need to do some pub-crawling to the level of what Ed describes to Shaun after Liz dumps him.
Damn, I ♥ that movie.

I probably shouldn't mention I was watching Shaun of the Dead last night, and I've decided if I ever make it to England, I need to do some pub-crawling to the level of what Ed describes to Shaun after Liz dumps him.
Damn, I ♥ that movie.

good luck on the not drinking thing...and thank you for your comments
WOOOOOOO Im back more eccentric and slightly more unhinged than i was last time
I hope some of you have missed me but im glad to be back
Hope all are well and that you have had fun lol
In my news job is going good have a pet praying mantis called sanderson and have a WII and PS3 YAY still nae in flat on...
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I hope some of you have missed me but im glad to be back
Hope all are well and that you have had fun lol
In my news job is going good have a pet praying mantis called sanderson and have a WII and PS3 YAY still nae in flat on...
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actually tigerangel is the new psw owner. you should message her to get back in. she's awesome, and doing a great job. she purges the group of inactive members from time to time, and sometimes people who just went grey get kciked, but she's nice and will let you back in.
Thanks for the compliment on my arm. Glad you dig it too. 

what no good idea bad idea bummer
A quick update lol as im drunk lol
For all thoses people who want to know yes i got the job
my official start date was 1st of august so yay lol
sorry for not getting back to anyone but been busy sorry all
oh and anyone know why my name changed i didnt change it back to Skeneo so why did SG change my...
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For all thoses people who want to know yes i got the job
my official start date was 1st of august so yay lol
sorry for not getting back to anyone but been busy sorry all
oh and anyone know why my name changed i didnt change it back to Skeneo so why did SG change my...
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Congrats on the job front, bro

Facking well done on the new job. I'm happy for you. Congrats!
Im back to being me
hope you are all well and fine
i wont know if im getting the job i want at the moment till 30th july
pissed off as i met someone and we both like each other but there is kinda a small problem lol i wont go into detail but ill give you lot news if it works out
now for...
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hope you are all well and fine
i wont know if im getting the job i want at the moment till 30th july
pissed off as i met someone and we both like each other but there is kinda a small problem lol i wont go into detail but ill give you lot news if it works out

now for...
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i really really miss the uk
steal me away to teh uk

Did you get the job? Did you get the job? Did you get the job?
Damn, you're not on MSN at the moment. Shiiiiit, wanted it direct.
Is the small problem a midget? Or dwarf if you're into the political correctness thing?
Damn, you're not on MSN at the moment. Shiiiiit, wanted it direct.

Is the small problem a midget? Or dwarf if you're into the political correctness thing?
DONT mind me im just really really pissed off and depressed
i feel better sorry needed to do that
stuff has been pissing me off latly lol so again ill give details when i can cause at moment i need to get drunk
i feel better sorry needed to do that
stuff has been pissing me off latly lol so again ill give details when i can cause at moment i need to get drunk
Glad it made you laugh. I was giggling as I was washing my eye out in the sink
Nobody sees him! Its so weird! goddam these people having sex.... oh wait.... lol

Glad it made you laugh. I was giggling as I was washing my eye out in the sink

Nobody sees him! Its so weird! goddam these people having sex.... oh wait.... lol
Acts of catharsis are good acts to do. Vent that bastard spleen. VENT!