- on shane_is_rad's page
So what did you all get me?? Nude pics is what I want. he he
So i am 27 years old today. I cant wait untell 30 more years and I am sittin here saying im 57 woohoo. I cant wait for old age to come.
I have a crush on suicide girl sky
So what did you all get me?? Nude pics is what I want. he he
So i am 27 years old today. I cant wait untell 30 more years and I am sittin here saying im 57 woohoo. I cant wait for old age to come.
I have a crush on suicide girl sky

Im sick...
I think i am dying. I can not breath. I have been lying in bed all day. I got new tattos on saterday. So my bedding is stickin to my arms. I got tattoo goo all over my bedding. fuck it I dont care. I want a slurpie. sorry to give you a ear full of crying..
If you kids did not see...
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I think i am dying. I can not breath. I have been lying in bed all day. I got new tattos on saterday. So my bedding is stickin to my arms. I got tattoo goo all over my bedding. fuck it I dont care. I want a slurpie. sorry to give you a ear full of crying..
If you kids did not see...
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Shit feel better hon 

awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww thank you thank you thank you 

you are the raddest
i wanna see pix of your new tattoo!!! careful that it doesnt stick to the bed and pull the scabs off
i hope you feel better soon soon soon
i no longer have myspace... i did... until very recently but i got rid of it because... well, just because!
get well kisses xxxxxx

you are the raddest
i wanna see pix of your new tattoo!!! careful that it doesnt stick to the bed and pull the scabs off

i hope you feel better soon soon soon

i no longer have myspace... i did... until very recently but i got rid of it because... well, just because!

get well kisses xxxxxx
Riddel me this batman. Why are the guy who take tattoo appt. such ass holes? the artests are nice and cool. but the guy who does not do anything. but get your name your # and a$20 deposit from you give you such shit. I got a slot for some sleave work booked for tomarrow.And I am stressing him out. WTF get bent you ass...
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well i was on my way back here to say thank you for the Second comment you left on my set.
yes, those boots, while rather sweet, are also rather inpractical
they get dirty so easily, it's sad.
But now that I'm here... well I'm going to say a great big blushing thank you for putting me in your favourites...
it really means something
true believers all the way
yes, those boots, while rather sweet, are also rather inpractical

But now that I'm here... well I'm going to say a great big blushing thank you for putting me in your favourites...

it really means something
true believers all the way

i have 15 years...
which is the other one? the show must go off?
i've not got around to getting that yet. im really rather too poor.
15 years is so ace though. it made me cry so much when i watched it. i might watch it again tonight. its been a while...
which is the other one? the show must go off?
i've not got around to getting that yet. im really rather too poor.
15 years is so ace though. it made me cry so much when i watched it. i might watch it again tonight. its been a while...
boucing souls played today. it was fantastic as always. i have not seen them in a long time. they played very fast it was only a hour set. and they played about 15 songs.
on other news our president is a ass hole. and the horrer pops are coming soon
on other news our president is a ass hole. and the horrer pops are coming soon

our birthday is creeping up!
I'm turning the big 1-9, and being canadian, that means i can get into bars. yaaay.
I really don't care about that, i might go to Chuck E Chesse.
Do you have any plans yet?
I'm turning the big 1-9, and being canadian, that means i can get into bars. yaaay.
I really don't care about that, i might go to Chuck E Chesse.
Do you have any plans yet?
"your so rad if you wer a fabric you would be pladd"
this was officially my favourite comment on my set. thank you!!!
The Bouncing Souls rock my whole damn world
this was officially my favourite comment on my set. thank you!!!
The Bouncing Souls rock my whole damn world

WOOO HOOO bouncing souls are playing tomarrow. I cant wait. there live dvd comes out today. it had been so long since i have sean them out side of warped tour. you never get a good show at the warped tour. and you only get 6-7 songs. keep you fingers crossed that no jocks show up. I do not want to spit on them but...
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went to see the corpsbride today. It was not that good if you compair it to nightmar befor christmas. but it was fun to watch. lots spooky things. I like that stuff.

I agree........lottie and I saw it last night, it was kind of a chick-flic
sorry if you read my last journal.
I was mad abiut shera leaving the site. but there is still a bunch on here that I love. so what evryones plans for the weekend?
on sunday my brother in law is going to teach me how to play stand up bass. I can play a 4 string normel bass. never tried to play a syand up....
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on sunday my brother in law is going to teach me how to play stand up bass. I can play a 4 string normel bass. never tried to play a syand up....
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i go a buncha shit for my entry too =( apparently self-opinions have gone out of style...
WTF is going on with this site? Alot of my fav.s are gone. shera-katie-jill-sicily-annie.I dont know why but I saw the last jourel that shera posted befor it was pulled and she was booted. she was mad about lots of stuff. mostly about the way SG is going. I looked at reagan journel and she seams to be upset too. I hope we are not...
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Hon...I think you're over reacting a little...
Some of the girls who left - left for VERY childish reasons....
Others have moved on because of their personal lives.
Some of the girls who left - left for VERY childish reasons....
Others have moved on because of their personal lives.
that made me laugh a little. the whole gap thing.
Had my best friends wedding dinner on saterday. Its so crazy. becuse The 2 familys dont like each other. So lots of shit talking.(behind the back of corse) I do not evan care. my buddys is getting hiched to his girl that he has been dating for the last 9 years. can not be more happy for him....
so the wedding is this saterday and...
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so the wedding is this saterday and...
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did you go to tiger army,, I didnt make it... I was not even 4 minutes away.. but didnt go.. oh well Ive seen them about a billion times.. anyways where in slc do you live im kinda right down town well avenues location..
Regarding Shera, read my journal.
alive and well.... I feel better now thanks for your concern
now my liver is not mad at me. I went ahead and pyst of my gut by eatin to mexican food.. but all is well....

Yeah I think Tiger Army is much more important than cleaning!
well howdy there...sounds like you're a candidate for some TUMS

My body hates me. I had my best friends bachelor party last night. I drank way too much... I spent way too much. I saw some exotic dancers do some amazing things. Wow Lets just say I saw a beer bottle hit a homerun no 1st base no 2ed base HOME RUN
It was fun but thinkin back thats so nasty. I had to drive...
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Utah sucks. Come to Wa, where the beer flows like wine!
One time I was at this bachelors party (they let me come, because they know how much I love boobies) and the two strippers did this thing called "the beaver bang". They layed the host on the floor, and then the girls sat on either side of his head, spread eagle. Then they explained that the more $ we through at them, the harder they would bang their beavers against his head. It was the most disgusting thing I've ever seen (in real life). Plus, I think my friend got some brain damage. Or at least hearing damage. When he stood up, the sides of his face were slimey.
The funniest thing was, while the guests were throwing cash, someone threw a condom. When the girls finally stopped assaulting the host with their vaginas to pick up their earnings, they got all pissy and started yelling about the condom. "What the fuck do you think we are?!?!"... Well, you were banging your pussies into a strange man's face for cash...
One time I was at this bachelors party (they let me come, because they know how much I love boobies) and the two strippers did this thing called "the beaver bang". They layed the host on the floor, and then the girls sat on either side of his head, spread eagle. Then they explained that the more $ we through at them, the harder they would bang their beavers against his head. It was the most disgusting thing I've ever seen (in real life). Plus, I think my friend got some brain damage. Or at least hearing damage. When he stood up, the sides of his face were slimey.

Oh yeah the cat life is totally where it's at. I always tell people I want to be a cat in my next life.
You all here me bitch about salt lake all the time. but this is the time of year that salt lake kicks ass. grate shows come to town. fall here is amazing. and snow bording is just around a few months away. I got my season pass to the canyons today. I have lots of buddys that ride we have a good ass time. I...
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hello back to you
have we met??
have we met??
Nurse Jackie has a good way of taking your temperature...
Re your previous entry...Jessica Rabbit. She's hot! and the witch from snow white.. grrrr
Have a good weekend

Re your previous entry...Jessica Rabbit. She's hot! and the witch from snow white.. grrrr
Have a good weekend
