Hey, ya never know when I could be in the area, some day. I'd take you up on some free ink. I see it this way, beginners have to start somewhere.
And I've seen what you've posted, and I like it.
I know you posted recently about getting into a shop, and how frustrating it can be. I so hear you. My husband has been trying to get an apprentice-ship for like 10 years now. And no one wants to help. We even have some good friends in the industry. One friend said he would do it for $3000, but said Harold wouldn't tattoo for the first year. And he still has to work a full time job to pay the bills, so he can't be there enough to get his moneys worth. It is like people forget where they started from, and I hate to say it, but tattoo artists can be like rock stars sometimes.
It's really ruined our dreams of having a shop. He can't get anyone to apprentice for tattooing, and I can't find anyone to apprentice me for body piercing. So I totally feel your frustration.
Today was dog appreciation day.Boris & Emma went to the vet....Emma got all her shots (ouch) & Boris got this nails trimmed,then he got a nice brushing....I like to call it "a rottie makeover".the bitches will not be able to resist him now...and I do mean bitches
Watch out now, take care
Beware of falling swingers
Dropping all around you
The pain that often mingles... Read More
I skiopped out of work early today,because things were slow.Gonna take the kids to a movie..probably "Land of the Dead"...I should be at work because we need the money.but I hate it there !
I'm looking to get myself into a tattoo shop around here before the end of the summer,my friend said he wouls take me,but he just has no room for one more... Read More
That pic in my journal... I tried to make it bigger but just f'd it up even more...
It's a pic I found last night of a Fruit and Date Stand in California (near Indio) called Valerie Jean's Date Stand... That's where my parents got my first and middle name... and also why I go by missdates everywhere. I was named after a date stand!!!! Embarassing at one time, but now kind of endearing.
You know what Ol Fiend...
When I began apprenticing for piercing back in '91 (Oooooh...sooo long ago! ) I had to make cocks outta boneless chicken to do practice PA's, Apadravya's...etc...The 'hard' ones..(No pun intended as they actually are easier to pierce if they ARE hard!)
Anyhow...Back then...it was pretty easy to get an apprenticing Job in a tattoo parlor...But that was 15 years ago!!!
Even when I worked as head piercer here in Vancouver at one of the finest Bod-Mod places...they brought tattooing in...and the more popular it got...like piercing...you got the same thing...More people who wanted to pierce or tattoo...and now, that good tattoo artists are just THAT (as it should be...Thank Dog!) Artists...and by the work I have seen, and have been seen in ( ) that you have done and I have seen...you should not start with the 'hip' shops...go Old skool...Go to the Older Tattoo parlors, where the people there just love to ink, and not become a star because they can colour in the lines...ya know??
I wish you luck....I really do...and be sure...that IF for some reason or another...I end up round your area?
You have a piece of my flesh reserved...
Slay ya Later...and Kill whatever pisses you off...(Unless it is an animal...)
They are pretty much house trained, but you need to watch carefully at first to make sure they understand where's the den (inside) vs. the outside. They're used to a much smaller space as the den.
They don't know how to use stairs, though! We have to teach her to use stairs.
That stuff didn't hurt my skin, but it itched like a motherfucker, probably because my hands were tied. I wouldn't recommend getting it on overly sensitive skin, though.
So I come home from work today to find 2 ambulances at the losers house across the street..who know what happened,he probably OD"d,not that I care....but I had to laugh when I waked in the door because my son had a chair set up in the window watching it all as if he was watching an episode of "COPS"......It was fucking funny
So how was the show? I'll be going on the 2nd of July, I can't wait. I know how your son feels, sometimes I go to my buddies house and we just sit on the porch drinking beers and watching all the crackheads in his neighborhood doing crackish things.
Got to love neighbors!! I live in what is supposed to be a nice neighborhood, built buy habitat for humanity. We didn't get in on that deal, but we got a really cool house.
The neighborhood is a clown show. When we first moved in, one neighbor was prostituting and selling drugs, and a couple months later the house across the street got busted for drugs. Oh neighbors.
What show are you going to see??
My husband is really curious about the pic of you with Wendy O. Williams and one of the guys of the Plasmatics. Did you know them?? Anyways, Wendy O. Williams and the Plasmatics rock, still got a poster of her on a room in the house.
At the end of the day today,our boss calls us aside and tells us we need to work late every day and on Saturdays until the end of September......FUCK ME...there goes my whole summer........I need to get into a tattoo shop soon and get the fuck out of this....I cherish my Saturdays,and I do not want to spend them working at a job... Read More